Chapter 13: Quiet

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"He must know someone's here!"

"I got your message. What's going on Vinnie?" Will enters their bedroom, to see a Vinnie shaped log laying under the covers of his bed. 

"I memmfd up." His words muffled under the many blankets he had shrouded himself in. 

"Come out Vinnie. I can't hear you." Will requests, now pulling at the sheets by Vinnie's feet. Vinnie begins to tug the sheets back as they get pulled away from him, with a blanket tug of war soon in full swing. "Vinnie!
.. blankets!" Will huffs, his final effort paying off as the sheets fling into the air and cause Will to stumble backwards. 

Vinnie now sits up slightly. He holds his extremely long bonelike fingers up to his bulbous face as if to shield his appearance...his true appearance...his real self. 
"Don't look at me Will. I'm hideous!" He says. His voice sounded as if it was on the cusp of tears. 

Will discards the sheets from his hands and rushes forward, pulling at the arms of his best friend. "Shut up Vinnie. You are beautiful. You hear me?" Vinnie looks up at Will, his big brown orbs blinking innocently as a blue tear escapes it to fall down his pearlescent skin. Will pushes the tear away with his thumb, before pulling Vinnie close to him for a hug. 

Vinnie wraps his long lean arms around his friend as his head rests upon Will's shoulder. "I've ruined everything!" He says in between sobs. 

Will eventually manages to pull Vinnie away, enough to see his tear stricken face. "Tell me...what's been going on? Where is your shimmer?"

"Joe worked it out. You, Micheal, Austin. He knows we are one. Now the commander has forbidden me to wear a shimmer until he has cleared up the mess. He's going to erase Joe's thoughts of me!" Vinnie feels fresh tears flow as he tries his best to keep them in. 

"Hey, it's ok Vin." Will tries to reassure as he runs a hand up and down Vinnie's back. It's the safest thing to do...for him and for us."

"But you don't get it Will! He is different from the others. He sees beneath the skin. He is unique. If the commander does use the potion, I fear that part of him will be lost. He will be like the rest of them." Vinnie now sits forward a little on the bed. "I need to warn him Will. I need to keep him from losing his mind." 

Will takes in the request from his friend. " he really worth saving? Do you trust him that much that he will keep us and our kind secret?" 

Vinnie looks Will in the eyes with conviction. "He is the only one who saw Will. He really saw me!" Vinnie pats his chest firmly a couple of times with his hand as if to hammer the point home. "Just tell him to be safe, yeah?" 

Will sees the conviction in Vinnie's eyes. The passion to believe that humanity had another side. "Ok Vinnie. If you believe he is worth saving then I'll do it."

Thank you." Vinnie says with relief. "But you don't have long. The commander is mixing the potion in the lab as we speak." 

Will gets up from the bed. "OK. I guess I'll head to his school and…


Both Vinnie and Will stop still and look at each other. 


Will suddenly runs to the window and peers through the blinds, prizing the metal slats apart slightly with his fingers. "'s Joe! He's at the door now! What should I do?" 

Vinnie now joins Will at the window, peering through the slight crack in the blinds Will had created. They see Joe step back a little from the door and look up at their window, with both males suddenly pulling back. "Shit. He must know someone's here." Will says with frustration.


"Just, go get the door Will!, before the commander…" 

Vinnie suddenly stops his words when he can hear the faint sound of the door latch opening... the door creaking open...

...Someone. had gotten to Joe first! 

A/N any ideas who it could be?

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