Chapter 27: Chain of events

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"We can survive anything as long as we're together."

Plumes of white mist fill the area where they were once sitting as all the five individuals scramble to their feet as they hurridy head to one of the doors.

Vinnie holds Joe's hand tightly as he begins to pull Joe towards one of the exits, but the sudden rush of blood to the head, not helped by the punch he had received, courtesy of Luke, makes him light headed. He begins to stumble and eventually trips on the leg of the coffee table, causing him to lose his grip on Vinnie's hands. 

"Joe!" Vinnie calls back, stopping to turn and grab his hand once again but Will pulls on Vinnie's arm. 

"You need to come with me. Look!" Will shouts in a panic. The mist is now edging closer to Joe, who despite his best efforts to get to his feet, just cannot do it, as the dizzy feeling kicks in and he begins to cough as the mist approaches. 

Luke suddenly dares to approach, pulling his tee over his mouth and nose as he heads for the defected can and kicks it further away. It spins across the floor, still spewing out the poisonous mist but it is at least far away enough for him to reach Joe. He hoists him up onto his shoulders like a sack of potatoes and they all head out to the open air through the back doorway. 

Once outside, he lays Joe on the grass. "Is he ok? Joe, Joe!" Vinnie shouts, but Joe just seems to look into open space as if he was absent. 

"It's the spray." Mr Jones says, a little out of breath. "It's taking effect. He's beginning to lose his mind." 

"No!" Vinnie says in disbelief as he crashes to his knees on the grass next to Joe. "This can't happen now, It can't! Joe please….it's me, It's Vinnie!" Vinnie begins to shake Joe's shoulders vigorously, but nothing can seem to stray Joe from the vacant stare he is giving.

"Vinnie. Kiss him." You kissed him before!" Will shouts. "It may work again." 

He wastes no time in lowering his head, lips connecting, but the contact is void of any response. He lifts up his head a fraction looking at the same expression and tries again, then once again pulls back. "Why isnt it working?" Vinnie says with frustration. 

"What happened before?" Mr Jones now asks as he now kneels beside Vinnie. 

"Luke hit him to become him and he was knocked out. I kissed him and he awoke, but why isn't it happening now?" Vinnie looks at Mr Jones, hoping he has the answer.

"What do you mean? Like he regenerated? Like when we take serum?" He questions. 

"You had just taken some. Remember Vinnie, he said he could taste cherries, the pink serum you took. It was cherry!" Will calls out.

"He is more morphic than I realized." Mr Jones deduces. "He needs more serum and fast."

Luke looks at the house. The mist is now spreading like wildfire. "If I can get into our stores, I can get some!" 

"It's too dangerous Luke. If you step foot inside that house right now, you will lose your mind too!" 

"There must be something." Vinnie says, tears now falling from his large eyes.

Mr Jones looks at Joe, slowly fading away, realising how dangerous the spray he had created actually was. What had he become? He didn't want this any more. It's then he notices the small silver chain around Joe's neck, with the pendant resting on Joe's collarbone. "What is this?" The commander questions as he picks the jewel with it now resting in the palm of his hand. 

Vinnie looks at the silver cylinder resting in Mr Jones's hand. "His grandfather gave it to him, he said it was his mother's, well his grandmother's" 

"Oh my! This is it, this is what we need!" Mr Jones begins to come over all excited as it suddenly dawns on him. 

"Do you mean….is that?" Vinnie begins.

"Yes! Like your ring Vinnie. His grandmother's serum from when she was a shimmer. He proceeds to loosen the tiny thread on the jewel. Inside there was the familiar pink liquid. "Tilt back his head." He directs and Vinnie obliges as he does just that, making Joe's lips part slightly. 

The liquid is then poured into his mouth, with Vinnie closing his lips together and sealing them closed with a kiss.

He screws his eyes tightly as he kisses Joe deeply as he holds him close. Wanting and willing this to work…

Please remember me.

Then it happens. The swirl of colour circling Joe like a colorful pink whirlpool as something takes place. Vinnie now pulls back, giving him space and hoping and praying that this is successful. 

One final bout of energy radiates from Joe like a ripple as he suddenly sits bolt upright.  "Did I miss the bubble tea?" He questions, causing Vinnie to push Joe back in frustrated relief. 

"Joe! I thought I'd lost you!" He whines as now tears of relief fall from his eyes. 

"You can't get rid of me that easily." He says smiling as he subconsciously rubs the arm which just got hit.
"I need to call the fumigators." The commander says getting to standing.  "And you all need to stay right here. Do as your commander tells you for once."

"Yes sir!" Luke says, making a salute. With the others smiling at the slight sarcastic undertone.

"And as for you two..." He says, looking at Vinnie and Joe, who are still sitting on the ground. "Your journey won't be an easy one. You will probably experience prejudice from both sides, morphkind and humankind alike, but if you think you can survive it…"

"We can survive anything. As long as we're together." Joe looks at Vinnie who once again feels those surges of emotion rush through him like a tidal wave. 

Mr Jones smiles as he takes a few steps away. Placing his fingers to the gem on his earlobe. "HQ, do you copy, there's been an unexpected development…"

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