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( Short Chapter ahead)


" Today's game is Tug-of-War. In order to win, you must pull the rope towards your platform in an attempt to drop down your opponents down below." The masked manager instructed as I look at the players who have feared expressions written on their faces even Sae-byeok who is looking at the two huge towers.

" Now, I will draw numbers to decide which two teams will play first. Everyone, please sit down." The masked manager  said as we obliged and sat on the floor

" First, the team that will play on the left tower." The circle man on the left put his hand inside the black box and pulled out a ball with a number 1 on it which was us

" Team one. Team one, please stand up." The masked manager said as we all stood up as Y/n boredly looked at the player's who is looking at us

" And now, the team that will play on the right tower." The circle man on the right put his hand inside the yellow box and pulled out a black ball with a number 7 on it 

" Team seven, please stand up." Team 7 all stood up and they have 2 girls on their team, they looked at us with fear 

" Team One and Team Seven will be the first teams to play. Will both teams please go to your towers." Triangle man leads us to the elevator and when we're in the tower they've  put handcuffs on us as I hold the rope and since I was at the front I looked at our opponents blankly

A gunshot was heard and I tugged the rope with all of my strength same with my teammates as I look at our opponents and saw they are currently struggling with us, my hands are hurting now but I still kept pulling the rope the best as I can. They are almost on the edge of the tower and If I pulled it much harder they will now lose.

" Get them!" Deok-su shouted as we tugged the rope and the man on the front on the opposite side stumbled and fell to the floor resulting in his team getting dragged to the edge. The blade fell cutting the rope that was holding them as they scream.

I fell back on the floor as I pant continuously sweat was dripping on my face and my hands are all red with some faint markings of the rope.

" The following players, Player 245, Player 120, Player 37, Player 408, Player 27, Player 273, Player 58, Player 243, Player 327, and Player 241 are eliminated." The woman on the PA said

Sae-byeok's team will be playing next against an all-men team, I mouthed her a "good luck" when we walked past each other as the triangle men lead us back to the warehouse 


Deok-su and the others are talking to each other while I just stayed by myself as I patiently wait for Sae-byeok's team to win and come back alive.

" Hey, 182! come here and socialize with us." Player 303 called which I shook and placed my chin between my knees

" Not interested." I said 

" How come you guys let him join here? He looks so useless." Player 083 said in a result he was hit by a shoe that went flying at him as I showed him my mid finger 

" The heck?! You brat!" Player 083 was about to stand when the doors opened and team four entered making Deok-su and friends silent as I congratulated them in my mind. Then a few minutes have passed the other players came back.

There are only 40 players alive, I was silently eating the corn that the staff gave to us earlier not until I felt a presence behind me.

" You won. Congrats." I said as I look at Sae-byeok who was staring at me 

" Thanks." Sae-byeok said

" So you made a new friend huh? " I said gesturing at the girl with a nose piercing

" I don't make friends." Sae-byeok stated 

" How about me?" I ask as I look at her in the eyes

" You're an exemption." She said as she showed me a small smile which I hesitantly smiled back

" Y/n?" Sae-byeok called

" Hmmm?" I hummed in response

" Did you ever love someone?" Sae-byeok ask

" Love someone? I said which she nodded in response

" Yes, I love my sister." I said confidently

" I mean if you have dated somebody and go out with him or her?" Sae-byeok ask

" Ahh...you mean in a relationship before?" I said and she nodded again

" Well, when I still go to school there are some girls who ask me to go out with them." I stated

" So you guys dated?" Sae-byeok ask

" Well, no I rejected her and the others." I said plainly

" Why did you reject her?" Sae-byeok ask again

" She's not my type," I said as I look at her. " I much prefer a girl who is brave, strong, doesn't give up easily and will do anything for her family."

" Good luck finding that kind of girl." Sae-byeok said and I chuckled softly before nodding at her 

" Yeah, Good luck to me." I said to myself.

  " Even though she's already here right beside me." I added in a low voice


Your boi got friend-zoned irl.😭

I'm super busy at school the past few days and I forgot to update and I'm absolutely sorry.

This chapter was rushed so it looks like trash but I still post it.

If there is some wrong grammar or spelling please let me know and I'll edit it.


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