a turning point

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i think we've concocted something poisonous
out of a few rainfalls & every single time i've seen you

smile at me. you, some reflection in the water, chest rippling out—
i don't know how to tell you that the days only get foggier, while i am

stumbling home alone. folded across every vein, ready to be tucked away 
in the palm of the earth. i am weightless in the hope

of some mutual epiphany, of daybreak spilling over my icy sea.
the sidewalk shivers, little hurricanes swirling with debris 

& all the remnants of your voice, with me. but i am trying 
to remember the days where i didn't have to hold the rope, & yet

i do not. 


summer will break through the sky & you will disperse, pushing
a hand through me, the way fungi eats away at the brain. the ants will die on branches

alone, erections of death to line the trees. tombstones with no memory
left to fester at the end of the season. none to populate

the air, the water. how dreadful to die by the lungful. by the hope that
we were anything at all. 

in a dream, i let you rest in my lap over a patch of warm grass & my
life ends under shy leaves. under a graveyard.


a/n: this is old! like, 4 mo old! i didnt know what to do w it n i couldnt sleep 2nite so here u go, the direct result of extreme sleep deprivation in a blockheaded uni kid. sorry to disappoint. also this is abt that fungi that takes over ants, thanks bio class for scarring me w those images for my whole life. anyway bye

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