Part 2 of last chapter-

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"Why are we gonna go in Bobal's bedroom now??" Bob asked with a confused face. First it was the bet of Bobot and Bobal might like each other and now this?? "Listen here Bob I found my Boder plush in his room. Is that enough to convince you now?" Bowaev looked at him as he wanted more mischief than hell as ever seen while Boder had the face of here we go again.. .

Bowaev, Boder and Bob was thinking on how to get into his room and that's how the drama started.

The three would ramble on wether to mention about the plushies or not whatsoever, while the others was already wondering why the three were talking so much as well. Even for Bosip, he gotten a bit jealous of the attention that the three were having as well. He went to the three and asked them why they were always chatting away and never talked to him once, Bob told the whole story of how Bobal was suspicious with his room and the plush. He even told him that he might as well have more than just Bowaev's Boder plush.


"These are so cute. I'm gonna treasure these forever." He grabbed all the plushies and threw them out to his ceiling. He loved them so much he even sleep with one of them sometimes to make him sleep in peace while their was background noise late at night. You can say that the plushies were his comfort for sleeping when he has a hard time.

He gotten it from the online merch shop from Amor had made, he said they can get it anytime if they want to have one since he wanted to share with the gang.Mostly Bowaev downloaded a Boder plush and been having it for a long time and always carries it with him while Boder is just in ✨happy tears✨.

"Bobal you've been in your room for quite a while are you okay?" Bobal jumped at the certain voice to see Bofo was behind him while he was cuddling a plush of him. He hid it behind his back for him not see the small doll behind him and the others and faced the metal robot.

"I'm fine Bofo thanks. Can you leave now please??" He asked leading him to the door waiting for him to get out but the robot hesitated on coming out without him.

"What do you mean you don't wanna get out?? You want something?" He asked confused "Well Bobal have you downloaded a plush from Amor??" He asked with a smile and Bobal just looked at him in fear. He's gonna get caught.. "Now before you say anything don't lie to me right now. I can see one of the plushies sticking out behind your back." He pointed out the dolls behind Bobal but he took a closer look with his camera lenses to see he got a plush of him

"BOFO DONT LOOK THERE!" Bobal was blocking his way from seeing the other dolls with his arms but the metallic robot just picked him up and put him to the side of the bed.

He was correct. He downloaded all of the plushies even Amor's. Bobal was already red faced blushing hard *SNAP* his hair grew more fluffy and longer by the time he saw the plushes.

"Bobal you don't have to lie about having the plushies you know?" 

"Well I uH- I'd rather keep it secret. So yeah." 

"You really like these plushies Amor did huh?"

"They were neat. Plus they're adorbale bro-"

"Awww you love us!"

Bobal got startled again and turn to see the rest of the gang just smiling at him by just his wholesomeness and Bowaev was hugging him from behind.

"Love you Bobal!"


Awwwww aint he sweet? And ill do balbot in my main book dont worry 

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