Nothing Special

48 4 18

When Relda was not present in the Great Hall the next evening, Kieran felt rather empty at the Ravenclaw table. He wonders if she is in the library as he asked her to be or in her dorm. Throughout the day, she ignored him, which made him worried.

In frustration, he bit the inside of his cheek and played with his food.

'Oi, Riddle,' Michael Corner exclaims from a couple of seats away. "I see you're unusually quiet today. What's going on?"

Looking up at the corner, he says, "Nothing, I just need to go". Saying so, he gets up from his place and starts his way to the entrance of the Great Hall.

Then he hid behind one of the pillars, searching for anyone before apparating to the library, hoping to see her. To his luck, she was there, tucked behind a stack of books.

I've never seen her study before, he thinks to himself, leaning against the shelf behind her, waiting for her to notice him.

Her attention is diverted from her notes when she feels someone behind her. She ignores the feeling for a moment then clenches her fists as a soft huff erupts from her lips.

She turns around and yells and puts her hand to her heart in shock when she sees Kieran leaning against the shelf with his arms crossed in front of him.

She says, "Merlin, you scared me."

"My bad, I'm sorry. I didn't see you around for dinner so I was wondering where you were" He responds while smiling at her

Relda raises her eyebrows while a sly smirk lies on her lips "You didn't find me at dinner meaning you always check up on where I am?"

A chuckle erupts from Kieran's mouth as he walks over to sit at the edge of the table and looks to his side where she's seated.

"You ignored me the whole day, didn't appear at dinner and whatnot, am I supposed to not be concerned?" he questions while looking down at her

"No one usually cares if I disappear randomly" She sighs and diverts her gaze away from him

A lock of her hair is brushed behind her ear by his hand, as he holds onto her chin while making her look at him "I'm not like everyone else.".

She stares up at him for a few moments "I'm sorry about yesterday I just-". he cuts her off making her stop talking

"You have nothing to apologize for, if anyone does it's me I should've made it clear whether you liked me or not" he lets go of her chin slowly turning his head away.

She looks around for a while visibly thinking before standing up and sits on the edge of the desk right next to him, not making eye contact "I would've lied if you asked anyway"

"So if I asked you, you'd say yes?" he asks, curiosity written on his face.

"no, I...I would've said no"

"Which means that you do like me but you lied"


"Why would you lie?"


"of what?"

"Being used"

"Why would I use you?"

"Better question, why wouldn't you?" she smiles softly up at him at which he sighs to himself 

"I think I know what it's like to be used...I wouldn't do that" shaking his head, he looks ahead of himself

Relda doesn't say anything as she gazes at his face, taking in his facial features.

A chuckle transpires in his voice. "It's not fair that you can stare at me all the time but I can't."

She clears her throat a bit and looks away, her cheeks turning red "I- I was not staring!"

"Sure you weren't" He looks at her, now smiling wide, and pushes himself off the table, thumbing his way through the shelves of books "What were you studying?"

She looks up at him "Oh I wasn't necessarily studying, just looking for something" 

"Like what?" He asks out of curiosity

"Spell creation, I read something somewhere but I forgot where so I'm just rummaging through every spell creation book here" She chuckles while looking at the stack of books beside her.

"That's boring!" He exclaims making her look at him in shock

Curious as to why he thought spells were boring, she asks, "How on Earth are spells boring?"

"The spell 'casting' isn't boring, but the whole inner mechanism is" He pulls out his wand and spins it around in his hands.

She gazes at his wand spinning in his hands and smiles at a thought "You might be right..we really shouldn't be dueling in the library if that's what you're thinking"

"I wasn't thinking that!" he exclaims in defense

Relda pushes herself off from the table and takes out her wand, twisting it in her hands, imitating what Kieran had done moments ago while walking to the opposite side of him "You sure about that?"

He gets into a dueling stance as he asks "Are we about to duel?"

"Are we?" she raises an eyebrow at him with a slight smirk lying on her lips "Hit me with your best shot" (A/N dw I thought of the song too </3)

He points his wand at me and fires a Levicorpus her way which she dodges with a Petrificus Totalus making him stand stiff but it quickly wears off.

They continue casting spells at each other for a while until Relda gets tired of the constant dodging "Reducto!" She exclaims making a blue light fire up at Kieran making him fall back with a shriek, landing on the ground with an "oof".

"Damn you're good" He responds with difficulty as he tried to recover from his fall.

"Don't test me" she smiles proudly and makes her way to sit down against a shelf close to him

"You're nothing special though" he drags himself off the floor to lean himself against the shelf beside her

"You're just saying that because you lost" she smiles at him knowingly 

He shakes his head while letting out a chuckle "You know me well, Black. I hate you"

"I hate you too" comes her reply, although both of them knew it was just a way of telling each other that they care. That they'd always care for each other, no matter what.


1041 words WHO??? me <3

Oh and writing in 3rd POVs a bitch but i can get thru

love you

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