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Daughter of the Dao and Devil Venerables Chapter 38 Part 1 – What are You Doing? (I)

“The road of cultivation is long and insipid. You must have a high determination and be able to bear what ordinary people can’t bear. Your heart must be firm, to be able to press forward with an indomitable will…” His daughter took the initiative to learn swordsmanship, which greatly pleased Yao Jiuxiao. His effort these past few days to subtly influence the child’s curiosity was not in vain. However, he didn’t immediately teach sword moves to her. Instead, he began with a basic lesson of cultivation.

Two people, one big and one small, sat face to face, floating above the rippling blue lake. Lu Yaoyao’s legs were too short to sit cross-legged like Yao Jiuxiao. Her two chubby legs were stretched out in front, and her little head looked around, shaking the two small buns on the top of her head. The buns were tied with a pair of red threads. Each was decorated with two small beads that flickered under the sunlight.

Lu Yaoyao’s bright and energetic eyes were full of curiosity. Her chubby hands touched the space under her little butt and legs, feeling nothing. There was nothing here, so why could she sit steadily? How mysterious!

“Understand?” The cold voice rang again, somewhat helpless.

Lu Yaoyao raised her head and looked back at Yao Jiuxiao. Her eyes blinked as she tilted her head, and her milky voice repeated: “Understand.”

After speaking, her face suddenly became confused. What did Father just say? She didn’t listen carefully.

“…” Yao Jiuxiao sighed helplessly. Forget it. The child was still young. She would slowly understand as she grew up.

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand. Just keep my words in your heart, and you will understand later.”

Lu Yaoyao nodded and then asked curiously, “Father, why can we sit in the air?”

“When you achieve success in your cultivation, you will naturally be able to do it.”


“When will I achieve success in my cultivation? Will it be tomorrow?” Lu Yaoyao was full of expectations.

“…Cultivation cannot be done overnight. You need to be steadfast…”

Lu Yaoyao blinked. Father’s teaching was so profound. She couldn’t understand. But from what Father had just said, it seemed that she wouldn’t be able to do it tomorrow, so Lu Yaoyao was disappointed.

Yao Jiuxiao stared at his daughter. If his disciple dared to do this when he was giving a lesson, he would punish the disobedient disciple with a cold face. But facing his own little daughter, he was reluctant to speak harshly.

After Yao Jiuxiao instilled a lot of profound lessons in her brain, Lu Yaoyao was finally put down.

Lu Yaoyao stepped on the ground with her feet and hurriedly swung her small wooden sword, “Father, teach me the sword!”

Yao Jiuxiao: “…” He spoke for a long time, all for nothing.

Yao Jiuxiao was entangled by Lu Yaoyao’s persistent demand and quickly compromised. He began to teach her the simplest move. Lu Yaoyao tried her best to imitate, but she tried too hard. The wooden sword in her hands swung half a circle, turning her small body around and made her lose her balance. The next moment, Lu Yaoyao fell butt-first on the ground. The little girl lifted her chubby face and looked confusedly at her Father, as if she didn’t understand why did she fall.

A smile flashed across Yao Jiuxiao’s eyes. He warmly said, “It doesn’t matter, just practice more.”

Lu Yaoyao smiled happily. She picked up the small wooden sword and continued to practice the move. Yao Jiuxiao only taught her a very simple sword move. Lu Yaoyao was quick to recover, but because her small body was still undeveloped, she lost balance easily. After practicing a few times, she finally stopped falling.

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