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Let's swim into the realm of Mew's memory.
Past that haunts him;bitter-sweet past.

This is where everything starts.This is where his life direction changes.


I slowly close my eyes.Tears start to roll down from my eyes.I never forget those memories which haunt me,still I cherish them.They are so vivid in my eyes.
No one knows how my heart is affected.No one knows how I am longing to live that life again.No one knows how that innocent me choose my 'Love' -

I blink several times.
I saw an aunt talking to mom whom I met in a cafe once but that's not important here.Who cares about foreground when background is giving your guts some funny feelings!
That aunt is dragging a baby who is reluctant to come inside our house.He wants to break free from his mother but his mother holds him tightly.
So the baby is sulking.

"My cutie, don't be shy.Come inside."

I don’t think that baby is being shy!

Mother's step stops on the threshold.
"Argh!!!What have they done???
Wait Lien."

Mother rushes inside.She seems angry as she was gritting her teeth.

I saw the room is dirty.My brother throws his bat and ball in one of the couch and his t-shirt in another.
Mom now has a guest so she is uncomfortable with the view.

She cleans them hurriedly before she invites her guests politely to sit on them with smile.

"They dirtied the room again.I am tired of cleaning here and there everyday.I cleaned living room early this morning you know.Look!They have done this!
Bringing up three kids is no joke." Mom keep those toys aside to join them.

"With one I am dying Marla."She points at the baby.

"I still can't believe Lien that you would settle down one day and have kid too.."Mom looks at the baby fondly.

"My initial plan was to never get married and you know that but I somehow end up in this situation.May be it was fate!"

Mother is busy talking to that aunt but my focus was not there.I don't know what they said further.

I feel curious about the baby.
Who is this baby?Why haven’t I seen him before?

If you are wondering where I am,well,I am behind the big couch in the corner.
Mom doesn't know I am here.If she knows she will scold me.

I don’t know how long I was there!
Baby was pouting all the time.Baby looks like that aunt.


From nowhere my two brothers suddenly booed me.I almost got heart attack.Here we go!!
I am exposed!!!

There is a sound of yelp.I look behind.Little plushy baby looks scared.

"Earth, take your brothers outside!" Mom's angry voice echoes the whole room.

My brother is reluctant to leave.But mom looked angry and guilty.We disturbed them.
I suggest my brothers to play outside.We shouldn't disturb mom and...the baby.
Little Forthie runs away in speed before that he snatches my brother's ball.My brother tries to catch him.I follow them.

Before going outside I look behind again.
The baby has round doe eyes.He is blinking nervously and pouting time to time.

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