The Underlying Threat

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Shiva's P.O.V :

Vishnu was looking quite pleased at the progress that the young warrior was showing in learning as well as wielding her powers. She displayed ingenuity during a tense situation when Tony Stark faced Ivan Vanko. It surprised Brahma a lot when she camouflaged herself and helped the older man. "She still struggles at maintaining control on her powers for longer periods of time but I believe with the help and guidance of the warrior's soul she'll unlock her true potential soon" I commented and Vishnu just shook his head and smiled "Come on Shiva you know she did good it is okay sometimes to acknowledge someone's achievements". Brahma nodded his head an impressed look upon his face, his eyes which saw the creation of all the wonders of the multiverse glimmered with pride at even the smallest achievement of the young one. She was our creation, a part of us, a blessing from us to a cursed line to relieve them from their long suffering.

"She will have to face bigger issues than a mortal carrying electrical whips Vishnu but I have to concede to the fact that she is doing surprisingly well for a mortal who was just introduced cosmic powers". Brahma spoke up this time "She always felt that some part of her was missing maybe she realised that this is her missing part determining who she truly is." Suddenly I felt a shift in the dimensional energy as Brahma winced and Vishnu furrowed his brows in concentration. "There's a breach in the dimensional passages. Somebody has used forbidden methods and accessed energy from the Dark Dimension." Brahma said worry and apprehension lacing his tone. "Dormamu is still using tricks to swallow more dimensions?" Vishnu asked disgust apparent on his face. I closed my eyes as I concentrated on the traces of Darkforce found in the dimensional passage which lead to earth 199999. "I have sensed Dark Dimension's power in the dimensional passage to earth 199999 but I am sure Dormamu is somehow involved in this breach" I said anger lacing my tone.

"Then let's go and have a chat with Dormamu" Vishnu said a smirk forming on his face, he was already devising ways to make the ruler of the Dark Dimension pay for trying to meddle into mortal affairs and for putting Divija in danger who was currently in that dimension. Leaving Brahma to keep an eye on the warrior we both transported ourselves to the Dark Dimension. It was ever changing as darkness took form of a visceral humanoid shape with purple flames as eyes and a guttural voice sounded as if trying to oppress us "To what do I owe the pleasure of the two core gods of The Holy Trinity paying me a visit in my humble abode?". "Dormamu you have meddled in affairs regarding the multiverse by allowing a breach in the dimensional passage; are you not afraid of the celestial's wrath?" I asked anger barely restrained as Dormamu chuckled his voice distorted and sinister "Why I never breached the border of my realm so the celestials can't take actions against me can they?" and I gritted my teeth as anger flared around me and red aura surrounded me as the trishul materialised in my hand. "You cannot kill me in my own dimension Shiva that's impossible" he taunted as I just smiled and jabbed the surface on which were standing with my trishula as a pained screech echoed. "Indeed but you can surely be injured as you form every part of this realm" as I threw the trisula at the spikes he formed trying to impale me. Another howl sounded as the trishula found it's target in one of his glowing purple eyes.

"Dormamu you are one of the most powerful primordial being why would you need to use your vast powers just to meddle with mortals" Vishnu said putting a stop to our fight as he used his own ego against him to reveal his plan. Dormamu scoffed "You gods are so conceited to think that all mortals are beneath you. Time will come when a mortal whom you once entrusted your powers with to protect your so called dimension with will help me consume the whole multiverse and all the dimensions in it." Vishnu smiled victoriously at Dormamu's slip up as he himself answered the question as to who used forbidden magic to access darkforce to travel dimension. I called back my trishul as Vishnu said in a smug tone "We appreciate you for giving us the identity of the person whom you've struck a deal with" as Dormamu roared in frustration and threw energy balls formed of pure dark force at us as I threw the trident which disintegrated all of them one after another and Vishnu summoned his weapon the Sudarshan Chakra which was a disc with serrated edges that could cut through anything to kill its target.

The disc spun rapidly as it cut through Dormamu's face draing out another pained howl from him. "You will be defeated soon Dormamu and I believe it will be a mortal" Vishnu smiled mischievously as we transported back to our realm. My expression was grave and solemn and Vishnu was seething internally at the truth we just found out, Brahma looked at us and his brows furrowed as he asked "Is it him? Has he finally located the Yoddha?" and Vishnu sighed and shook his head "He did find out the correct universe but during his ritual something must have gone wrong because he did not end up on earth 199999" as my anger flared at the traitor to humanity who had become so selfish that he was ready to endanger lives of millions by making a deal with Dormamu and was now tied up with another being who threatened the existence of the whole universe containing earth 199999.

"He ended up in The Void" Vishnu said his voice ominous and Brahma took in a sharp breath and I closed my eyes in resignation. "Then the Yoddha will have to prepare for the biggest challenge she could ever face if she has to fight him" Vishnu said mournfully. "She'll hate us for keeping this from her."Brahma said sadness evident in his tone. "She could not have handled the pain Brahma, her spirit would have been destroyed and anger would have let her astray from her path". Vishnu just said "She still can be led astray Shiva and he'll try his best to do that."

Unknown P.O.V:

I felt as if my body was being torn apart as dark tendrils of magic curled around me and thrust me into the dimensional passage. Screams echoed all around me as I realised they were around me as my body changed form and reformed and it felt like my atoms were rearranged making me better as I let the darkness flow into my vein enjoying the pain as it burned through my rationality making me more powerful. Power was sinful as it made one commit numerous sins and I finally indulged in this sin. Darkness consumed every part of me and it became one with me making us one.

Then suddenly there was a shift as there was a tear in the passage due to the darkforce in me corrupting it and the passage warped. I frantically tried to avoid the divergence from the path but I was sucked into it and was spat out on a hard surface as my vision blurred and the last thing I heard "Sire it seems a mortal has entered the void" followed by a deep and terrifying voice "Keep him alive. I have a feeling he'll be useful to us" as darkness surrounded me.

A/N : The above image is Vishnu's weapon the Sudarshan chakra. Thoughts on the chapter?

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