Untrustworthy? Yeah.

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     Minako p.o.v.

Minako opened her eyes, blinking away the tiredness. This place..is..familiar. Warm, soft, comfortable. She realized she was in a bed, a white canopy bed with light blue drapes in fact. The sun shone through a large window as she heard a familiar chuckle, “You seriously slept in y’know. They shouldn’t be mad though since I covered for you!” The same voice said, sounding proud of himself. “Guess I deserve the best big brother award” ...No response. How was this place and voice so familiar and yet she didn’t realize where she was. “..Uh.. you going to get up? I don’t think they’ll believe me if I try to stall again…” Then it hit her. She was home. This room, her room. Her brother. She forced herself up, taking in her surroundings. Her legs wobbled, how was she here? She had fallen asleep in that village, EverBrine was it? It must have been a dream, yeah that’s it everything that happened to her, to them was a dream. Ares, Eris, EverBrine and that girl that helped her, all a dream. 

She ran towards her brother, right before he was impaled. His crimson blood splattered the room around them and her face. Her eyes widened in horror, she tried to scream but no sound came out. She tried to go get help but she was frozen in place, the room around her swirled, her mother running into the room being the last thing she saw before her eyes involuntarily closed. 

She woke up crying with a concerned face she didn’t recognize peering down at her, their faces only inches apart. “Hey, hey! Are you alright? You were crying and screaming and I just..” He trailed off, and backed up to give her some space, he was clearly stressing over the girl. Minako didn’t respond and only questioned why not one but two people she had never met before had been so worried about her, she thought it was odd. The red headed boy opened his mouth to ask again, but she cut him off, “I’m fine. It was just a bad dream.” Minako pushed herself up in the bed so her back leaned against the wall. “O..oh. Alright then..” He was taken aback by the harshness in her voice. She sighed as she realized she was in fact in EverBrine and her dream was just in fact a recollection of events. “Uhm.. so you must be Minako right? Miyu was talking about you earlier.” The black haired boy attempted to make conversation. No response. “Okay then..” He said under his breath. Still nothing. He sighed, “Alright whatever, I’m leaving then..” He started to walk towards the door in an attempt to get her to answer him. “What’d she say?” Minako hesitantly called after him. “W-what?” He turned around and walked to her again. “What did Miyuki say? You said she talked about me.” She repeated herself. “Oh! Uhm.. nothing bad just said you were wounded and needed to be watched since she doesn’t think you should be trusted.” “She doesn’t trust me?” She asked though it sounded more like a growl. “Erm.. uh.. I wasn’t supposed to say that last part!” The brightly colored haired boy panicked and darted out of the small room.  Well of course they don’t trust me, I just showed up at the edge of the forest and haven’t told anyone how I got here, not to mention my injuries are way more then slightly suspicious. She’s smart not to trust me then, and to be perfectly honest, despite her saving my life or whatever, I don’t entirely trust her either, Minako thought.

She got off the bed and grabbed the clothes she assumed Miyuki had left for her, making sure to lock the door before she put them on.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2021 ⏰

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