Promissory Note xx

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Dear, Lovely readers

I'm so so so sorry because I didn't update for over a month because this March is so hectic and my schedule are so full and out of space and time. Also, I had to complete my clearance in the past weeks so, I have no time to update a story chapter and some fan girling issues. So do you know Zayn Malik of One Direction? Yes, he leaved. Okay, call me dummy or a exaggerated fan but, I'm very depressed for 5 days and can't do anything. I didn't go to school. I didn't do household. I didn't eat a lot. I cried all the times. In spite of this, I didn't thought to cut or have suicide so, I'm very thankful for myself because my brain doesn't get me on that exact point.

By the way, guys, I will graduating in this 8th grade so, it means it's Summer vacation. This will allow me to UPDATE more OFTEN for this story to be able to finish it. So, guys I'm apologizing for the past month of no updates and pure dullness of my story. I you still with my stsory aand comment down below If what will you say about the issue because I wanted to know your toughts about it. HATERS ACCEPTED. But, yeah, guys that is all that I can say. A massive thank you for appreciating and forgiving me IF YOU WILL. So, I'll PROMISE that the next update will be on the first week of March and so on and so forth. Thanks for all the support and have a G'day.

Sincerely, Kent Arao 
:) MuAh!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2015 ⏰

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