My dearest Vincent Phantomhive

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My name is Giselle Phantomhive, I'm 18 years old and live in the Phantomhive manor. Two years ago I married Vincent Phantomhive and we loved each other till the end was there.

A doctor sat beside my bed and researched my eyes with some little lights and checked my breathing, when he was done he looked at me with a worried face. I knew that what he was going to say would not be good. "Giselle I know that what I'm going to say now isn't what you want to hear but you're having the worst scenario of lung cancer, and I think you'll not live longer than a month." My world stood still for a few seconds and I couldn't respond to anything as tears streamed down my face, how am I going to tell this to Vincent? I don't want to hurt him. The doctor left my room and my butler Jacob came in, he sat down on the edge of my bed and stroked my hair for half an hour or more. When I finally calmed down I looked him in the eyes "I don't want to die Jacob" I whispered softly. I had no strength left and I didn't know what to do. "I know mistress, I don't want you to die either but we have no choice but to go on till the last breath, that is life and that fact will never change." He looked at me with a sad face "Why are you so sad." I laid my hand on his cheek and dried the tear that was falling down. "You were the best person I have ever met, and I'm so thankful for that and I think that Vincent feels the same way about it." "Thank you, Jacob." I said in response. I knew that his wife had died from cancer long ago before he came to work here, and that he still thought of her, every day.

When he dressed me up he tried to do it as gentle as he could and I didn't mind anymore. When I looked presentable Jacob carried me to the dining hall, where the dinner was served for the evening. I tried to avoid Vincent's gaze because he looked really concerned when Jacob let me down in the chair, then he bowed and walked away.
I was left alone in the room with Vincent.

"What did the doctor say, Honey" I looked up at him in fear to say the wrong thing because I didn't want to hurt him so I lied "It's just a flue it's over in about a few weeks or something."
He nodded but didn't seem satisfied with the answer. When I was done with the dinner I stood up and walked towards the door with Vincent by my side, I felt really dizzy and my sight was blurry but I kept on walking. Then suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my lungs and it felt like I couldn't breathe, I blacked out and almost hit the ground with my head, but Vincent catched me. I closed my eyes as he began to carry me to my room on the other side of the manor
"I love you so much, just keep hanging in there Giselle... it wil go away eventually, just like you were saying right?"
Always when he became serious he called me by my name and I knew I meant the world to him like he did to me, a tear streamed down my face when I realized I was going to lose all that love I got from him.

That night when I slept, Vincent watched over me he sat in the chair beside my bed, and didn't give in to his sleepiness. He checked on me when the hours passed by, and I think he guessed himself if this really was a flue. I silently fell asleep.

My dearest Vincent PhantomhiveWhere stories live. Discover now