Baby spice

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"And then Soonyoung wouldn't shut up about how much he liked baby spice" Wonwoo ran a hand through his hair in frustration, the other holding onto his bag. He knew internally that his anger was not directed at Soonyoung and his sudden obsession with spice girls, but he quite frankly did not care.

"You okay, Hyung?" Seungkwan asked in concern, watching the boy so annoyed over something so insignificant. He found comfort in Wonwoo's distraction in a sense. It was either that or his mind would definitely find its way back to the feeling of Hansol's lips.

"Hyung, can I come with you to your lecture? I don't feel like going to my own" it was such a blatant lie, and Seungkwan knew it. If Hansol showed up and kissed him one more time, he wouldn't be able to stop him yet again, so better to avoid the situation than regret it later.

"No, you're not bunking. Should I remind you that you're here on a scholarship?" Seungkwan groaned, knowing Wonwoo was right. "I know, but still-" the rest of Seungkwan's sentence came out in a squeak.

Seungkwan's hand travelled to his ass as he turned around only to find Hansol's hand casually resting on it. "Hansol? Why are you here?" Wonwoo asked, venom lacing his voice, clearly unaware of where the boy's hand found itself.

"Why so cold, Jeon? Mingyu is yours, don't worry. We were just messing around" Wonwoo rolled his eyes before tightening his hold on his book bag. "You didn't answer my question, kid" Hansol sighed, removing his hand from Seungkwan, which the boy surprisingly hadn't resisted.

"I just came to check on how my favourite Hyung was doing" Wonwoo squinted his eyes, not believing a word of what Hansol said. "Go and tell your Mingyu Hyung just to keep kissing you" Seungkwan kept silent the whole time, well aware of Hansol's eyes on him.

"You look great today, Jeju-do" Hansol dropped his voice to emphasise how good he thought Seungkwan looked before walking the other way. Seungkwan's hand trailed back down to where Hansol's were, eyes widening at the feeling of something in his pocket.

He turned his head around to see Hansol still looking at him. 'Read it' the boy mouthed as he pointed at Seungkwan's back pocket. Seungkwan slipped his hand in to take the crumpled up piece of paper out before discreetly opening it.

'I wanna kiss you again! Look at how shamelessly honest I'm being. Kiss me again? I'll wait for you at block C after classes. Find me Jeju-do.'

"Seungkwan, are you listening to me?" Wonwoo pried over his shoulder to see what Seungkwan was looking at, but he quickly stuffed it back in his pocket. "Huh? Yeah, I am, of course I am" Seungkwan assured, lacing his arm with Wonwoo's.

"I don't like him. I really don't. He's obsessed with me. It's toxic right? Not really, I guess. He always checks if I eat enough and if I look even slightly tired, he makes it his job to annoy me until I let him help me" Wonwoo didn't realise he was smiling through the whole thing, and Seungkwan didn't feel like it would be a good idea to point it out as the conversation shifted to other things.

"Hyung, where exactly is block C?"

• ₊°✧︡˗ˏˋ🖤ˎˊ˗

"You could've just told me to come to the biology lab instead of making me open every single abandoned room here" Seungkwan discarded his bag on one of the chairs as he walked up to Hansol.

"It was exciting, wasn't it?" Hansol held his arms behind his back and watched Seungkwan examine the room. "Not a hallway" Hansol said proudly, lending his hand out for Seungkwan to take.

Seungkwan hesitated before moving into his touch. "What do you want with me? I can't really afford any distractions. I'm here on a scholarship Hansol. I can't use my daddy's money like you can" Seungkwan confessed, still holding onto Hansol's hand.

"I can be your daddy" Hansol smirked, earning a smack on his chest from Seungkwan. "Fine, I won't distract you. I can still be your stress reliever, right? Let me be at least that?" Seungkwan's eyebrows knotted together as he considered Hansol's proposal.

"We're strangers, Seungkwan. What do we have to lose?" That was the first time Hansol had called him by name, and it definitely had an impact on his decision.

"Baby spice" Hansol looked at Seungkwan in confusion, not knowing what he was supposed to make out of that answer. "If either of us wants out or if either of us falls in love, we say 'baby spice' okay? A safe word in a sense" Hansol let out the most endearing chuckle as his hand went to loop around Seungkwan's waist, pulling him closer so that their faces were mere centimetres away from each other.

"Also, you can't tell anyone. Wonwoo Hyung would hate me if he knew I even talked to you" Seungkwan poked Hansol's chest with each word, his other hand going to grip the slightly taller's shoulder.

"Are we done with the terms and conditions?" Seungkwan thought for a moment before shaking his head. "You have to apologise for making fun of my hat" he stated rather seriously.

Hansol couldn't help but laugh helplessly as his lips made their way to capture Seungkwan's. Seungkwan whined in distress, wanting to hear the answer first but nonetheless complied. Noses rubbing against each other, Seungkwan had let both of his hands clasp behind Hansol's neck as the other let his rest on Seungkwan's ass, undoubtedly his new favourite thing about Seungkwan other than how unintentionally cute the boy was.

"Your hat looked great on you, Jeju-do."

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"비밀스럽게 내 손을 잡아"

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"비밀스럽게 손을 잡아"

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