Blank Canvas

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"Hi, Wonwoo Hyung" Mingyu began, already having dropped his usual cheerful persona. Wonwoo stopped at the familiarity of the tone Mingyu used, only having heard it once before when the boy broke down in front of him.

"Hyung, I wanna show you something," Mingyu said in an almost whisper, lending his hand out for Wonwoo to take. Wonwoo looked around, debating whether or not entertaining Mingyu was a good idea but complied nonetheless after hearing how composed, and serious the boy sounded.

"I hope you won't get mad. I hope you'll like it" Mingyu sighed before walking towards the farthest end of the gallery. Random photographs of various creators adorned the walls that they passed by. Wonwoo let himself casually ponder over a few that piqued his interest but still focused on where Mingyu was taking him.

He enjoyed going to photography conventions. It was a form of inspiration for his art. He liked seeing how people viewed the world through their cameras, and he would definitely be there if such an event were taking place anywhere in Korea, no matter the convenience.

"Hyung?" Mingyu called out, snapping Wonwoo back into reality. The younger stood in front of a small section of photographs. Wonwoo could recognise the backgrounds of each of the pictures as places in their university. Each one had someone in them, not entirely but just enough. It would be the person's smile on one, their elbow, sometimes the back of their head. Wonwoo had to admit they were beautifully taken, but he couldn't cause he knew exactly who was in those photos, and he could only guess who took them.

Wonwoo looked over his shoulder to see Mingyu holding a few more pictures in his hands, this time the face very much evident. "Your eyes do this thing when you smile. It crinkles to the most perfect shape" Mingyu started, admiring the picture he held in his hand, which had Wonwoo laughing with Soonyoung over something that the said boy couldn't even remember.

"You were my muse from the moment I saw you. I always loved taking photos, but when it had you in them, it was art to me. How many times do I have to tell you, I like you! Hell, I think I'm borderline in love with you, I was the blankest canvas and you were all the colour I needed. I can't be much clearer than this. I wanna be with you, Wonwoo Hyung and if you say no, then I'm going to let you go no matter how painful it'll be because the 'not knowing' is worse" Mingyu hadn't realised he had tears running down his face, but he quite frankly couldn't care less.

"I've been doing it for three years, and I can't do it anymore" Wonwoo wanted to say something, anything, but he couldn't. All the limbs in his body refused to cooperate as he stared back at Mingyu's tear-stained face, his own void of any expression whatsoever.

"It's okay. I'm sorry for everything" Mingyu took Wonwoo's palm in his to place the photos on them, most of them damp from his tears. "I don't regret falling for you" Mingyu gave a weak smile before backing away from Wonwoo and making his way out of the crowd.

"I don't regret it either..."

• ₊°✧︡˗ˏˋ🖤ˎˊ˗

"No, you're cheating" Seungkwan sighed, slapping his hand away. "You know the rules!" Hansol chirped up happily as he pointed at his lips. "I fucking hate this game" Seungkwan mumbled before crawling onto Hansol's lap and placing a kiss on his lips.

"You better leave. Jihoon Hyung is going to be here soon" Seungkwan cautiously stared at the music room door, knowing that anyone could barge in at any given moment. "You're an hour early. No one comes to music class this early" Hansol teased, getting his arm hit in return.

"I do. Go away and do your stupid plant shit" Hansol laughed before tightening his grip around Seungkwan. "It's called botany" Hansol corrected before getting up to leave. "Do you wanna do something after class? Maybe get something to eat, and then we could go back to my place?" Seungkwan's ears heated up at the suggestion, and he slightly pushed Hansol away.

He knew what they had was a physical agreement of sorts, but they had never done anything beyond aggressive making out that had Seungkwan blushing at the mere memory. But 'it', they hadn't done 'it' yet.

"Do you not want to?" Hansol asked, clearly not wanting to make Seungkwan uncomfortable or to rush things. "Of course I do. It's just I was taken aback, that's all" Hansol pressed a quick kiss to Seungkwan's lips before mentioning something about meeting behind the campus and rushing out the door.

Only minutes later, the door opened to reveal two silhouettes stumbling into the room. "Just kiss me, for fucks sake" Joshua giggled as Seokmin held him up by the hips, returning the excitement. "I can't believe we're doing this here" Seungkwan didn't find it in him to interrupt until Joshua's hands went to Seokmin's belt buckle.

"Seungkwan!" Seokmin exclaimed, dropping Joshua on the floor in surprise. "Shit, bunny. I'm sorry!" Seokmin quickly turned his attention back to Joshua, only to get a glare in return. "Quite early aren't you, Kwan?" Joshua asked while trying to tuck his shirt back in and fix his dishevelled hair.

"Just thought I should get an early start" it's not like Seungkwan could tell them that Hansol had forced him to come early so they could hang out without anyone seeing. "Us too!" Seokmin tried to manage the situation, but he knew it was beyond the point of lying their way out.

"Give it up, Seok. He's not 7" Joshua was clearly annoyed as he excused himself to the washroom, cursing at no one in particular. "You're gonna have to deal with that later" Seungkwan laughed, and Seokmin just shrugged.

"I told him people come this early to music class."

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