Chapter 1

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{Welcome to Chapter 1! I don't really have any good Ideas but I'll try keep it all updated! You're also 13 at the start}

It was Wednesday, 3rd November, you had just moved into your new House with your Mother, Father and 2 Siblings. You were one of twins. Your brother Aaron Being the Second twin..

You were collecting your boxes from the moving Van, moving everything in, you all had your own rooms, there were 6 rooms, 3 Bathrooms, Kitchen, Diner, Ball room, Lounge, music room. You moved to Russia After living in [Hometown], where your mum was from, Your Dad However Was Russian so you were also Able to speak Russian.

You were walking Around the Mansion gathering your surroundings, looking through all the different rooms stopping by by your Parents room, "Hey Mum! Have the dogs been Fed?" Your mum turns to you, "No dear not yet. Would you please go and feed them?" You nod and start Heading for the Dining room where all the Dogs bowls were, you sorted Beethovens food first being the Oldest dog, then Kings food, then [Dogs Name]s food.

After you fed the Dogs you headed Back upstairs to your Dad's Office (one of the Extra rooms), you knocked on the door, "Yes. Come in." You hear on the other side of the door, peaking your head in "Father, are their any visitors visiting today?" Your Dad stops what he's doing and looks over to you. "Not today. We're meeting a Lady tomorrow, Ms Shvagenbagen and her Son. Why?" You shook you head and backed out the room.

You headed Back to your room being at the Front of the house, the view was quite pretty, you could see the Park, a few Buildings.. OH I forgot to mention your Garden leads into the woods. Anyway Back to it! You headed back to your Room having [Dogs name] follow you in. At the moment you only had a Mattress on the floor, but you decided you'd Try and Unpack most of your Belongings. You made your So called 'Bed' and Lied down tired after unpacking... After a while you heard a knock on your Door, it was your maid, she made it! Her name was Mary. "Miss/Mr [L/N]? I'm sorry to bother you But you're Presence is needed downstairs." You nod and Get up having your Gorgeous pup follow you as you followed Mary. You end up in the Diner Food on the Table. Your brother and Sister at the Table already. You greeted your Brother, ignoring your little sister who was giving you am evil look.

You begin eating your Mother and Father soon Also attending the dinner Table. "Now, all of you must be on your Best behavior tomorrow. Ms Shvagenbagen and her Family is coming over for Lunch." You all just stay quiet, You and your brother Giving eachother an 'Oh god' look.

You and Aaron were Introverts.. your little sister however, Was a MASSIVE extrovert, always talking, always trying to get all the Attention. Everything. She was annoying. Anyway you decided you wanted to ask your Father who exactly was coming. "Ms Shvagenbagen, Herself. Her Brother and his Own Family, and her own two Sons." You nod. "May I be dismissed? I have to finish my room." Your Father Agreed as you got up and Ran to your room, your mother calling back to you telling you to slow down! Again your Dog Followed you to your room. Once you reached your room you started packing things into your Draws, Chests, and putting things on your walls.

A few Hours later
Your mother popped her head in
"[Y/N] dear, you need to go to bed now! We have a big day tomorrow!"

"Yes ma'am! Do I have to wear a dress/Suit tomorrow?"

"Yes [Y/N]. You do."

You sigh "I hate dresses/suits. But I'll get it ready before I go to bed."

Your mother Nods to you and leaves the room heading to her own. You picked out a Nice dress. It was a Slim fitting dress,

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