Emperor Vitiate/Valkorion (Legends)
Kreia/Darth Traya(Legends)
Darth Sion (Legends)
Darth Nihilus (Legends)
Hugo Demask/Darth Plagueis (Legends)
Darth Revan (Legends)
Shae Vizla aka Mandalore The Avenger (Legends)
Canderous Ordo aka Mandalore The Preserver (Legends)
Exar Kun (Legends)
Marka Ragnos (Legends)
Lilith Kallig aka Darth Occlus (Legends)
Darth Marr (Legends)
Dathka Graush (Legends)
Mandalore The Ultimate (Legends)
Freedon Nadd (Legends)
Sheev Palpatine aka Darth Sidious (Legends)
All of the Dark Jedi Exiles (Legends)
Star Wars Rebels Rise of The New True Mandalorian Sith Emperor Bridger
FanficOne day during a assault mission Ezra gets captured by Inquisitors he awakens his Ancient Sith Bloodlines from his parents and brings back his Mandalorian Clan and his clan joins the Empire