5 ~ Masks 2/2

72 1 0

Tommy sat up in the hospital bed, and was looking at his phone.

Wilbur soon returned to Tommy's room, and said he was back.

Tommy nodded and looked up to Wilbur.

Tommy's glasses were slightly tilted, but Tommy could see Wilbur better than when he first woke up.

It had been three days since he woke up, and a week since Wilbur called the police and an ambulance to go to Tommy's house.

Tommy was going to be released tomorrow and he wasn't expecting he'd be able to stream for a few months.

Wilbur sat next to Tommy on the bed and hugged him.

Only SBI knew about why Tommy was taking a random break. And only Wilbur knew the extent of why.

"Do you want me to ask Phil to come here? Or Tubbo?" Wilbur asked softly.

Tommy nodded and smiled to Wilbur.

There were stitches on his lip, bandaged cuts on his forehead, his arm and leg were in a cast, and almost his entire chest was covered in bandages.

His neck however, would've made anyone sick.

Bruises, cuts, and bandages littered the skin.

Tommy probably would've been choked to death by John if Wilbur hadn't arrived.

Wilbur had ran to Tommy's house on the call through his phone.

As much as he hated listening to it, he needed to make sure Tommy wasn't getting raped by his father.

As soon as he heard about John saying he might sell Tommy's body again, he had ran faster than he'd ever run to Tommy's house. He'd called the police when the beating started, but decided to leave to Tommy's house.

Wilbur opened the unlocked door, set his phone down in the kitchen, and grabbed a bat from the entry of the home.

He ran upstairs and towards where he could hear the beating, and then smashed the bat over John's head.

He dragged John away from Tommy, and used the bat to beat John. (Haha you deserve it fucker!)

When the police arrived Wilbur and John had been detained, John going to the hospital with Tommy however.

Tommy's vitals had spiked when John spoke to Tommy's mostly unconscious body, so police took him in the police vehicle.

Wilbur explained what he was doing, and John said Wilbur had beaten both of them.

At least until they realized Wilbur was way too skinny to cause those wounds on Tommy, and the bruising on Tommy's neck matched John's hands.

When Tommy came out of surgery, he was slightly conscious and had actually started crying when Wilbur had been forced out of the room. His vitals had spiked and he'd started shaking when John was brought into the room.

They released Wilbur, and kept John.

Now Tommy was awake, and the police had been allowed to look through his medical history, so they could gather evidence for the trial against John.

Wilbur saw Tommy as a little brother, and because he was acting in self defense of another person, he was let go scott free.

"Will?" Tommy asked, adjusting his glasses.

Wilbur hummed.

"Will someone's at the door."

Wilbur let go of Tommy, and walked to the door.

Phil and Tubbo being on the other side made him realize it'd been hours.

He welcomed the two in, and closed the door behind them.

Tubbo was crying as he looked at Tommy, and Phil looked scared.

"N-No please stop crying-" Tommy said, looking at Tubbo.

Sure they'd met a few times, but it wasn't like it was often enough for Tubbo to even think Tommy was getting abused.

Tubbo hugged Tommy, but didnt stop crying.

Phil had anger written on his face as he realized Tommy's leg and arm were broken.

"Who did this..." Phil asked quietly.

"Don't worry. He's nursing a concussion, broken ribs, and cracked skull in a prison hospital. His trials next week." Wilbur said, smirking slightly. "That's what happens when you beat someone with a metal baseball bat."

Phil looked at Wilbur in suprise.

Tommy chuckled, then groaned.

His pain meds had worn off in the past twenty minutes.

Wilbur walked to the nurses station just outside the door for a few minutes.

He returned and the nurse gave him some pain medication.

She soon left after taking notes of his vitals.

"...How did this happen...?" Phil asked, looking to Wilbur.

Tommy sighed, and started explaining.

"My father's abusive." Tommy said. "...I usually cover the bruises with foundation so no one can see them..."

Phil seemed more suprised than anything, and Tubbo just kept hugging Tommy.

"...How long...?"

"Ever since my mother died 12 years ago." Tommy said truthfully.

He'd wanted to tell them so many times.

He was happy that they cared enough to help him.

Even if it was fake.

Soon enough, the next day came and went.

Tommy was released and went to Wilbur's house.

Tommy tweeted that he had to take an unexpected break and hung out with Wilbur for a few days.

Eventually they went to get Tommy's things, and set up a room for Tommy.

Tommy appeared in voice calls in some people's streams, or when he brought some food to Wilbur. He'd just waved and showed his face, but most of the fans were okay.

Some questioned it, but others didn't. He wanted a break, and it's not like it's their business.

After 2 months, Tommy just had to wear a boot, instead of the cast itself. And the cast ons his shoulder and arm were off halfway through month two.

Tommy started streaming and Wilbur joined him.

"Hi guys! Welcome back to the stream!" Tommy said smiling. "As the title said, this is going to be short but only because I need to tell you where I've been."

"I got caught in a fight of sorts, and broke my arm and leg. The man who did it is behind bars, and I'm doing okay. I moved in with Wilbur during my break, and he's overprotective as hell."

"You broke your arm and leg. I think I have reason to be overprotective." Wilbur said.

Tommy understood and wrote it down, but flipped off Wilbur for old times sake.

The chat was filled with 'get better's, 'hope your okay', and people laughing at Wilbur.

Tommy soon ended the stream, and said that he was planning on doing a few vlogs and streams once again, but he was going to start slow so he could continue to heal the broken leg.

Tommy smiled to Wilbur as he ended the stream.

He tweeted out about the stream, and Wilbur replied to it saying he had reason to be over protective.

Luckily, Tommy had told a lot of his friends what happened, but left out a lot.

No one really needed to know his father was the one who did it.

John was in prison, and that's all that Tommy cared about John.

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