Arc 06

797 36 6

Once upon a time, in a far away land, lived a king and his fair queen. Many years together, they have finally granted a child. A cute little baby boy was born, and they called him Alone. Yes, they named her after the vast waves of the ocean as they wished for him to have a free and happy life. Then a great banquet was prepared throughout their kingdom, so that all of high or low estate attended and pay visit to their newborn prince.

The little prince is very cute, he has golden hair and eyes. Whenever he smiled, it was like an angel just descended upon you. He's polite, smart and kind, everyone liked him and wanted to spoil him.

Still, many was envious of this beloved prince. He was born out of love by the king and queen, taken care of preciously and carefully. It was hateful in the eyes of other prince and princess.

They were born from the concubines of the king but they never get any attention or even a glanced from their father. His eyes only has that little prince!

They all hated that beloved prince, Alon. But he's very protected and has many caretakers as well as guards for his safety.

He has a magnificent palace gifted to him for his fifth birthday and an exclusive island for his tenth. He was given everything as long he simply asked while they were all scrambling just to survive in a dilapidated palace!

The king even proclaimed him as his next heir in his fifteenth birthday!

He's the ninth prince!

Also, there's already a crown prince you bastard king! How could you skipped the ranks and go straight to the throne!? How frustrating!

The people of their kingdom rejoice happily at the news of Alin being their next king. They believe that he will prosper the kingdom more.

At this rate, Alon will be the next king and they will all lose everything they fought for.

And so, they temporarily form a truce to plan for the execution of erasing this hateful existence in their lives.

Years passed by and the kingdom prospered.

The world is at peace.

However, an evil lord appeared and wished to destroy everything in this world. The humas were very scared and tried to retaliate but failed miserably, they were too weak and the opponent too strong. They can't do anything to resist at all! One by one, many cities and countries perished.

It was rumored that the evil lord attacked because their home was being destroyed by the things human made. The once clean and beautiful sea was slowly being eroded by the harmful and toxic things thrown by the humans into their sea! The sea folks wanted to retaliate but can't stop all of the humans from using the sea as their trash can so they sought help to an evil lord.

He's governed many part of the sea and although he's cruel and ruthless, he maintain his territory very well and ended any humans that came. They needed this power at this times to stop those humans! It was better if he killed them all! Many of their families and friends died because of the poisonous things made by the humans. Their skins eroded and died slowly, it was a painful death that they do not deserve! They wanted revenge for all the lives they lose and failed to save.

And so, they attacked and ended many countries, cities.

The world is in ruin and the times of humans is near to an end.

One of them then tried to give gifts to the evil lord in exchange for their lives and surprisingly succeeded! All those who heard this news felt surprised and elated, they have a chance to survive! They all scurried over to the lord's domain and gift him many things, jewelries, gold, treasures and even food.

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