The Cafeteria Eh?

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The hospital cafeteria wasn't very crowded, just a few countries scattered about, eating without talking to each other. Canada grabbed his food and sad down across from Germany.
"Hey zhere America." He acknowledged as he took a bite of sausage. "Vhat happened to jour head?"
"Just a car crash, dude. Nothing to worry about." Canada shrugged.
"Zhere's somezhing else about jou zhat's different..." Germany noted. "I can't quite figure out vhat..."
"Maybe I just look way more heroic than usual..." Canada offered.
Germany gave him a puzzled look.
"No. I zhink its jour voice. Jour voice isn't the same."
"Hmm..." Canada scratched his chin. "So what about you, Germany? Why are you here?"
"Italy." Germany groaned. "He got beat up pretty bad by Egypt again."
"I see." Canada took a long sip of his soft drink.
"Hey Ca-America." Britain shouted from the cafeteria doors.
Canada looked up.
"Come here!" Britain beckoned.
Canada followed his orders, curious about what Britain wanted.
"We had you checked out. The nurses said you just needed some rest and you should return to normal within a few days."
"Rest?" Canada lifted an eyebrow. "A hero never rests! Not ever."
"This one does." Britain grabbed his ear and dragged him through the hospital hallways. "Now, France and I have to talk to you about a few things, so we're driving you home."
"Fine." Canada groaned. As long as he was going home.

Hey, America: A Hetalia FanficWhere stories live. Discover now