Chapter 1

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Regie's pov

The boys and I were walking to the boba store when I saw this beautiful (brown/ fair) skinned girl walking out, she had brown eyes and long dark hair with a perfect small figure. As I walked by her she had this dark look in her eyes with a smirk across her face, our eyes locked for a moment and I thought I was about to fold.

Regie: "Yo Darren, look at that girl she has to be like 5'0- 5'2".

Darren: "damn she is short her friends too".

Darren: "We should all go talk to them".

Regie: "Wait no!"

Before I could even get my words out all the boys were heading over to the girls.

Seb: Hey

You/ girls: Hey!

You: "You guys are the north star boys right?"

Seb: "Oh you know us? that's so cool!"

You: "Of course i know who you guys are, y/n btw nice to finally meet you guys I'm a huge fan!"

Y/n: "These are my friends, Olivia and Eva"

Eva: "Sup"

Olivia: "Hey"

Oliver: "Hey our names a kinda twinning" he says while winking at Olivia.

Olivia: "Yea, that's super cute" she giggles.

I decided to be bold and ask y/n a question.

Regie: "Hey you! why'd you stare at me like that when I saw you", I asked.

Y/n: "Me?"

Regie: "Yea you"

She looked at me and shrugged her shoulders.

Y/n: "Well I always stare at things I like", she said.

Ryan: "Oh damn, fr?"

The boys and I all exchanged glances after that wondering who is this bold tiny girl standing in front of us. She seemed to know what she wanted and seemed like she would go to great measures to get just that. I liked her already.

Eva: "It's true she does"

Regie: "Oh so you like me" I asked with a smile on my face.

Y/n: "Yea I do actually" she said walking closer to me.

Y/n: "You should call me sometime, but only if you're not too busy" she said handing me a card with her number on it.

Regie: "Maybe I will"

Y/n: "Oh you will I don't doubt it" she said.

Before I could even process what she said, she was in her car and already driven away. What just happened I thought to myself, who is this girl.

Justin: "Bro look at her card, it's got the same address as ours on there, is she the one that moved in next door yesterday?

Thank you guys this is my first fanfic so I really hope you guys like it. Please if you want anything changed just let me know and I'll take suggestions and new ideas!

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