The kiss

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Y/n: "So if u walk in here this is the living room and lounge area for the upstairs but were rarely gonna use it unless there's guest".

Darren: "Damn this is nice, I like this little thing", he says while pointing to a statue in the middle of the room.

Eva: "Oh yea this thing is probably my favorite thing in here too"

Time skip

After showing them every room in the house we all went to the kitchen and sat down to have a really good conversation. It was fun we got to get to know everyone and even exchanged phone numbers and socials.

After we were finish the boys then asked us a question.

Oliver: "We have to be back soon because manager ty wants us in the house for a midnight meeting and we'll probably whined up going to bed afterwards, but if you guys want you can come over tomorrow at 1pm and swim with us.

Seb: "Oh yea we usually go swimming and relax after filming all day or we just go and grab boba", he says followed by a small giggle.

Y/n: "That would be perfect I'd love that actually".

Eva/Olivia: "Yea that should be fun"

Oliver: "Great it's settled then"

And with that they all bid their goodbyes, but Regie stayed behind, I wondered why.

Regie: "Can I text you later?"

Y/n: "How about we ft instead"

Regie: "Oh okay, do u wanna call or should I"

Y/n: "You can just let me know when your finished with your meeting and night routine and call me up"

Regie: "Good idea, will do", he says with a cute smile.

Regie: "Alright cool I'll see you later then", he said while walking out the door.

He was so handsome I couldn't stop thinking about how beautiful he is, I wanted to hug and kiss him but I needed to hold myself together. As I watched him walk across the street my feet became to move and when I looked down I noticed I was running towards him.

Y/n: "Regie!" I called out.

Regie: "Hm?", he said while Turing around.

At first I panicked and didn't know what to do or why I called him but before I knew it I had stood on the tip of my toes and kissed his cheek. Turning red in the face I said goodbye and began to run back to my house.

Regie's pov

I had just left y/n's house when I heard my name being called. I turned around and saw her running up to me like her life depended on it.

Regie: "Hm?", I said.

And with that she stood as tall as she could go on her toes and pressed her small plump lips against the side of my cheek, she looked shy and nervous almost like she didn't even realize what she had just done, so she said goodbye and ran.

I stood there shocked, I wanted to call her back but I couldn't even make out any words. She was so small, cute and bold, yet so shy at the same time. She gives me whiplash with the way she can change from bold and brave to such a shy and tiny person. This girl is driving me crazy and it's only our first day meeting.

I began to collect myself and hurry into the house.

Ryan: "Where'd you go dude?"

Regie: "She kissed me", I said.

Justin: "Damn already, that was fast"

Regie: "Not like that fool, she just kissed me on the cheek"

Manager ty: "Look at him he's in love"

All the boys started to scream and jump around me like crazy people after he said that. All I could do was smile and laugh.

Manager ty: Alright guys come on we gotta get this done, the faster we do this the fast you guys can relax and go to bed.

I walked over to the chair and sat between Darren and Justin who were on the big couch next to the living room window. I sat there quietly thinking about what happened 10 mins ago. I smiled to myself as I turned my head to look outside. I could see her house from here, they didn't have any curtain in their living room yet so I could see into their house.

There she stood, she was talking to her friends but she looked so cute the little smile she had on her face I assumed she told her friends about that cute little stunt she pulled outside. She looked as happy as I was.


Regie: "HUH! WHAT!"

Kane: " Yo you good bro"

Regie: "Hm, yea why wouldn't I be"

Darren: "Bro you're smiling at the window like a maniac, you look crazy"

Manager ty: "And Ive had to call you five times"

Regie: "Oh sorry", I said while laughing


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