My Enemy

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I am David Nielsen, a man of my own kind and trying to find my protagonist, Dade Richardson. God that man disgusts in me in a way I've never felt. Always ratting me out in school, making me stay back cause he was the one smarter than me, well look whose talking! With an IQ of 160, I should be able to do the things I've wanted! And at last, seek my revenge against Mr. Richardson. Although I despise him, there's something oddly fascinating about him. Something just clicks with my mind that makes me think of him.. I can't just lay my finger on it. Well whatever it is, isn't as important as to tracking him down and exerting my revenge! In school, I acquiesced my ramifications when I started conflict with Dade but I didn't intentionally mean to, I just wanted to be better than him. Something feels odd.. my heart pounds as I write, I feel heated in my face and cheeks, WHAT IS HAPPENING?! Oh good god, something's happening to my body!

Thank God, I took a nap and felt much better. It felt so odd to feel that way. Wait, huh?! Why am I still in the same spot! Did I...pass out? I couldn't have possibly done that? Could I? I listen to some classic soft rock n roll music to calm me down planning my revenge for Dade and track down all of his information.
Uh oh, mother's home, I have to hide my papers. I quickly gather my backpack, paper, phone, headphones, and dress in my business clothes making sure Mother didn't know about my unusual behavior. I grab my black dress shirt with my black vest, gloves and tie and head out.

"Sorry Mother! Just forgot something upstairs, I'll be going to the library to study for Biology" I say locking the door behind me.

She smiles in the distance as I quickly locked the door. Thank god she hadn't seen me rushing out of the house, I wasn't usually rushing. I quickly go out to the city listening to my music and head over under the bridge to plan and listen to the ocean. I grabbed my map of where Dade lived and all of his information that I could grab to track him down.

"Oh sweet silence, where is the sting
I am no idol, no crimson king"

Those lyrics made me realize that.. I am not the person I write to be. I am a person who is completely different that aspires to be this character. I was a bully to Dade Richardson, why am I seeking revenge if I am the one who avenged him? Good god, I've become a cruel person, I have illegal information of another person's and trying to avenge them once again! Dade, oh Dade.. I am so sorry. But no.. I have to, I have to get my revenge for him taking my aspired life that was my dream, and he took it into action while I couldn't. And that.. makes me angry, profound anger against Dade Richardson. It is my time, my time to shine. I scrunch my papers together and walk with my hood up into his neighborhood. The wind felt cold against my angry hot-red skin. Blood shot eyes, and angry infuriated pupils that scream in anger. God I hate him, I know this would be a bad idea but I had to, I took this seriously. I load my gun before I can get to his place.

"Oh Dade Richardson..! It's time for your daily round of being a grape face!" I say patting a bat against my hand.

I heard his fearful nervous noises, panicking for help but no one heard. I grin and turn around to his direction in the handicapped bathroom. I point the bat at him as he cries moving back.

"NO, NO PLEASE, I-I-ILL GIVE IT BACK H-HERE" he says scrambling to get his money out of his back pocket.

"I don't want your poor savings you dumb little dweeb, I want you to suffer like you made me suffer" I say kneeling down grinning with a cheeky smile at him.

Tears shed down his face as he was already hit multiple times the day before I attacked him. He trembles in fear trying to get away from me. I grab my bat a little better with grip, and pretend to make a forceful shot. He holds his head in fear and I just laugh in a chaotic way.

"Such a wimpy little man, Dade" I say pulling his head up with a finger on his chin.

He looks at me trembling in fear at how close I got to him and that drove me crazy. I hated this boy so much, he always made me angry by his stupid remarks on how this was like this, pretty much bossing me around. And now, it was my time to take control. I grab him by his collar throwing him against a urinal and bang his head with a bat, full force multiple times. He didn't even make a sound, a whimper, nothing it was just pure on silence. And then he looked up at me shaking even more, struggling this time. I mock him from what he's said in class.

"That's what you're supposed to do, do it right you moron" I mock by his words.

He cries blood at this point dripping from his nose and I laugh smearing the blood all over his face. He finally groaned at how heavy he felt. I hit  his head with my knee against the urinal, breaking a piece of the urinal off. He cried out in pain, trying to ask me to stop.

"Please.. stop.. it's enough..i'll..stop.." he says in a low tone.

"Sure thing Master Dade, but one last thing"

"Eat a fucking dick you piece of fucking crap" I say banging his head on the urinal.

I unzip my pants and piss all over his head and body laughing at how hurt he was. I punched his stomach leaving a note in his pocket and leave the school bloodier than ever, finally getting my revenge on Dade Richardson. Victory!!

End of Flashback
And that was the last time I'd seen him, never got to apologize after that. I look around my surroundings and felt super super comfortable knowing I was safe but also put them in danger. The signs were up from the local high school in Dillon Texas. For Riggins, Saracen, and everyone else, I was on the team, but I quit. Jason Street took my spot and filled it to the best possible. It made me happy to know I had a good spot. I unload my gun and knock on Richardson's door.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2021 ⏰

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