Visions and things

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Orianna's P.O.V.

It's been a couple of days since Shark broke Yuma's key, and I had that little portal incident.... Anyway! There is school again today, so I will be meeting up with Shark before class. I walked up to the school steps, and waited for Shark to arrive.

~time skip about 30 minutes because of Shark's slow but~

"Shark! What took you so long?!?!?" I say.

"Heh. And hi to you to. I couldn't be bothered rushing over here. Wasn't any point. It's just school." He shrugged without taking his hands out of his pockets. The school bell rung, signaling that school will start in five minutes. I point over to the gates to the school with my head.

"Should we go in and get ready for class?" I ask him.

"Yeah, whatever." Shark said. We headed inside. We walked down the hallway with a window that when you look out of it, you can see lots of Heartland. I stopped to admire the view.

"It's really pretty out there...." I said. Shark stopped beside me. A second later, someone ran into me, and knocked me back a step. When they ran into me, I saw something really unusal...


Yuma was standing there, duel gazer on. His pendant thing was missing from around his neck. I heard someone laugh I think, But I'm not sure, because it sounded like it was coming from underwater. Someone threw Yuma his key, and it was still broken in two because of Shark. He was in a duel, and he didn't have much health left. When Yuma caught the key, he was erupted in white light. He was transported so he was standing in front of a huge gate. Hold, on, he's still standing on the duel field... Maybe this is what he is seeing, or what's in his mind...?

"This is just like my dream!" Yuma said.

A loud rumbling voice replied with:

This is no dream. Have you the courage to unlock this power? It is time to decide Yuma....

"Let's flow!" said Yuma. He had his key in his hand and he thrust it into the hole in the gate and turned his arm. He was flung back, And there was a bright blue light. As that light faded, my vision ended...

~vision end~

I was standing there, with my hand to my heart. Yuma had continued on his way, still in a rush. I think he said sorry, but I'm not sure. Shark yelled something after him, but I couldn't make it out. He came over next to me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Are you all right Orianna?" he asked. I moved my hand to my side and nodded. Shark moved his hand and huffed.

"Well, I think that's enough sightseeing.... At this rate, we'll be late for class." Shark started off towards the classroom, then stopped because I wasn't following.

"You coming?" I nodded again, and followed him into class.

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