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*I want to highlight another Queer story I love. A not-quite-oldy but a goody "Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe"

Enjoy this chapter! 


By evening time, when Ilena and I have cleaned ourselves, after scrubbing the paint from my fingernails and the last traces of blood from my hair, and taken residence in her family's modest guest room, we light the candles in a place we can freely call our own. Tonight we will begin the first real whispered conversation about the future, about our personal residence and what lives, crafted after our dreams, will look like.

Each time I look at Ilena I am filled with love and the familiar feeling of home. I look into her eyes and feel in them the intense familiarity they carry. For most of my memory, she has been there, making a home for me even when my parents were no longer in my life. Ilena made a life worth living and created pockets of joy for the both of us in this caged existence.

I feel safe here with her and I feel something suspiciously close to happiness now that I am no longer near the castle. But a thought strikes me and refuses to abate. Every dream I had of freedom from my earliest memories until my most recent year I've never pictured remaining in Damascan. I've always imagined escaping somewhere far, far away.

I almost feel disappointed in myself that I do not hesitate to ignore these dreams and sentiments for the sake of Ilena and uncertainty. My first opportunity at freedom, at crafting a life I want, and I sink back into the shadows. Is it for love or fear?

And in a way, I disappointed myself, knowing that I would cage my own heart and desires in an instant when it came to the will of another person. It was a practice I had put on for years. I am perturbed to realize that this habit will not fall off and away from me as easily as my shackles. I know my freedom exists far from the kingdom's boundaries.

Tonight we keep the curtains drawn and only light a few candles as the city settles around us. We ponder the new world order, what will become of us, and what has become of our leaders.


"I am Prince Ahmed of Jasmine City. Yesterday morning my troops and I breached your city walls and invaded the castle of your former king." Once again he orates by vehicle of a translator. Once again his voice booms and he stands, looking both stately and terrifying. I cannot see him as clearly from where I stand but his firm silhouette atop the balcony of the castle is familiar and foreboding enough.

I am pressed to the shoulders of several others. There are hundreds of us looking up at the castle balcony, ready to hear the news from whom we are now at the mercy of.

"We have assassinated King Edward." A gasp of shock travels, tears through the crowd. I shiver, though the information does not surprise me. I saw the head of King Edward strung up by its silky hair being held in the hand of this man, Prince Ahmed. I saw as he deposited the fleshy skull into a cloth bag. I witnessed the dripping, oozing organic matter-- its dripping muted by the cloth bag but not stopped completely. I kept my eyes on the pouch as Ahmed gripped it firmly. His arm was stained red from just a few seconds of holding something that leaked life blood every second.

That was moments after Ahmed walked into the great hall, moments after he saw me, offering me the towel for my face.

"He's dead," he surveys the crowd of people and lets the words sink in. "Your former king was greedy, immoral, an enslaver, a narcissist, and he held countless innocents captive, even sending many people to their deaths working on his vanity projects, his unending walls and tunnel systems. No more. The formerly enslaved who were forced to trade years of their lives for debt are now set free. The formerly enslaved who were stolen from their homes are now set free." Another set of mumbling rises from the crowd.

I watch the perimeter of soldiers around us, keeping watch, keeping order. No matter how many times I see them, I will never get used to how similar we look. For the first time in my life I am surrounded by people who share my physical traits. Their appearances make the majority of Damascans uneasy while I feel the exact opposite. I finally feel protected by those who are meant to protect me.

"I will stay in Damascan along with half of my force, seeing to a peaceful transition of power to the second tier of governments. I aim to usher in a new reign of equality and morality. We will work with the officials who are willing to cooperate. We will draft a new treaty for Damascan and then leave you in peace. We do not wish to harm anyone who will not stand in the way of peace. All former soldiers of King Edmund have either surrendered or been slain. We will keep the surrendered soldiers detained until a new national guard has been set up."


Thanks for reading! 

Feel free to send Queer book and fic recommendations! I love it all! 

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