Part Three

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Saturday, when his shift ended, Jim remembered a key reason why he'd quit bartending in the first place. Four days on his feet tending bar had been murder on his body, so he leaned into the jet blasting the soreness from his lower back and groaned into the welcome pleasure-pain. Three years of lectures at Starfleet Academy had reduced him to sitting for the better part of the day. Though he worked out regularly, standing for eight hours straight on a concrete floor took a toll on his joints and spine. Closing his eyes, he yawned and arched his back like a cat, then lay back along the curve of the seat, his chin dipping into the rolling hot water.

The glass door slid open quietly. Jim cracked an eye open and saw Spock come into the yard, moving toward the hammock, a book held to his chest.

"Hey," Jim called, closing his eyes again. The swishing of fabric ceased. Spock had stopped walking.

"I apologize," he said stiffly. "I did not realize you were out here."

"It's not a big deal," Jim said. "We can be in the same room at the same time."

Spock paused before answering. "I have no wish to disturb you."

"The only way you're going to disturb me is if you turn off these jets. I'm fucking sore from standing all afternoon. You could read the dictionary out loud to me right now, and I wouldn't mind as long as I can sit here."

"The human body is not suited for standing in one position for extended periods of time," Spock offered. His voice sounded closer. Jim glanced up at him. Spock had moved to the side of the hot tub. "You risk injury to your back and knees."

"You're telling me," Jim said, wincing as he sat upright.

"You must sit more throughout the day."

"I'll be sure to mention that to Lew," he said, laughing. "Want to jump in?"

Spock hesitated. Jim rolled his eyes.

"I'm not naked, if that's what you're wondering. I have on shorts. If you don't have a pair, you can borrow one from me, or hell, just get in. I promise not to look at your junk."

"Junk?" Spock raised a brow.

"How about I close my eyes, and you tell me when it's safe to open them again."

"You wish me to remove my clothing and sit with you in this hot tub," Spock stated.

"It'll be less awkward than you standing there watching me sit in a hot tub alone," Jim remarked.

"If you do not mind," Spock said, his fingers closing over the book's spine. "I would prefer to read."

"Theories in Warp Drive Design," Jim read, glancing at the title. "I didn't realize you were interested in history."

"It was in your mother's office. I hope you do not mind."

"No chess tonight?"

"Perhaps tomorrow."

"Okay. I was gonna watch a movie after this anyway," Jim said. He grabbed his beer from where he'd left it on the ground next to the hot tub and took a swig. "You're welcome to join me."

"A movie?" Spock asked, as though he was unfamiliar with the term.

"I know they're a little old fashioned," Jim admitted, "but I like a good story. You didn't have movies on Vulcan?"

"Not for entertainment."

"You should watch one with me. I'll make it a first-rate experience. We'll watch an old Terran classic. I'll replicate popcorn and everything."

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