Forty-Five Hours in Riverside

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I posted this on Orbit's one-year anniversary. It's a mini-sequel that takes place one year later and features a lot of fluff and flirting between Winona and Sarek. 


“I don’t understand why we couldn’t have done this in San Francisco,” Jim said, kicking open the front door. “We’re only on planet for two weeks.”

He shrugged off his coat and held out a hand for Spock’s, hanging them both in the hall closet. Spock closed the front door. Jim sighed at the sight of a familiar jacket, well-worn and grease-stained, already hanging beside a decidedly Vulcan traveling robe. 

“I guess they’re here,” he muttered, closing the closet door and hooking his thumbs in his belt loops. 

“It appears so,” Spock agreed. 

“Ready?” Jim asked, motioning to the living room.

“No,” Spock said, “but unless you wish to return on the 14:30 shuttle, we do not have a choice.”

“We could go to the Shipyard,” Jim whispered, curving a hand over Spock’s waist. “Grab a couple bloody marys, wait for the next transport.”

“Perhaps later,” Spock said, leaning close to his ear. “Do you intend to keep my father waiting?”

“Yes,” Jim replied. “There’s time. I don’t think they heard us come in.”

But Jim’s hopes were dashed by a woman’s excited cry of, “Jim?” and the unmistakable sound of approaching footsteps. 

“I’m sorry in advance,” Jim said quickly as Winona Kirk rounded the corner. 

He hadn’t seen her since the hospital. He’d woken up enough to find her hand in his, hear her hushed voice as she discussed his condition with Bones. She’d been gone by the time he was released, on the Tereshkova, which was slated to be out for two years. She looked older, especially around her eyes, light wrinkles etched like a roadmap when she smiled. Her hair, usually wrangled in a messy ponytail, fell around her shoulders. It was streaked with more gray than he remembered, but her arms felt the same around him. 

“Hey, Mom,” he said.

“You’re late.” She kissed his cheek.

“We missed the earlier shuttle.”

“Mmm,” she said and nodded to Spock. “I’m assuming this is him.”

“Yeah,” Jim said, pulling back from her and raking a hand through his hair. He grinned nervously and watched Spock straighten. “I think you sort of met when I was out of it, but Mom, this is Spock. Spock, this is my mom.”

“Commander,” Spock said, raising the ta’al. 

“Commander,” she said in reply, “but since you’re sleeping with my son, I think we can drop the titles. Please call me Winona.”

“Winona,” Spock repeated and blinked several times. Jim suppressed the urge to hide his face in his palm. 

“Your father’s in the living room,” Winona said. 

“Thank you,” Spock said and inclined his head. Winona motioned further into the house. Jim held his breath as he followed her, tensing when Sarek came into view. He was seated in an armchair and stood when he saw them.

“Captain,” he said. “Spock.”


“Ambassador,” Jim said. “Nice to see you again.”

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