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Exhausted, you drop onto the couch so that your face lands in the pillow. You take a deep breath as you feel your tortured back and especially your feet slowly begin to relax.

All day, since the sun had risen, you've been outside, helping in the garden, planting the new seeds, digging up the ground, removing weeds. After winter, once it gets warmer, it's always a lot of work. And everyone who can help gets involved.

And you don't want to spend the next few weeks doing this, so you want to get as much done at once as possible, so that in a few days you'll be finished, and the others can get on with tending the young plantlets, and you can get back to the important stuff.

Because working in the garden also means that other things fall into the background for a short time and can't get done.

The guard shifts have to be planned somehow, weeks before you need to look for plants in the forest, repairs still have to be done in that time and the rest of the work unfortunately doesn't do itself either.

You are glad that in this time others helpfully take over the normal tasks, because you wouldn't be able to wash your clothes anymore, let alone prepare something to eat. So it was agreed that during the time when the garden is being made up, everyone has to help. And so you get at least a hot meal every day as soon as you get home, and you don't have to worry about anything else.

But unfortunately, it's not just the work that gets left behind. Because of the hard work there is not much time left for personal things. If you usually invest a few minutes to talk to others or just sit comfortably on the terrace with Daryl and enjoy each other's company in silence, that's not possible at the moment.

Because you haven't seen Daryl in days. First he was outside as a guard for a delivery to Hilltop which lasted at least three days, and then he went out for a hunt 2 days ago. Between that there has only been time for a kiss and a hug and he was gone again.

Mumbling you scold into the pillow because you really miss the time with him. You're happy every year when this time is over and you can spend more time with him again.

"yer ok?" suddenly his raspy voice cuts through the silence.

A dark humming escapes your throat as you can feel his fingers on your neck, slowly giving your sore muscles a slight massage.

You slowly turn around to your side and smile relieved as you can spot him in front of you. There he is. As if he had heard your thoughts, he kneels in front of the couch and now pecks your lips to greet you in a gentle way, like no other man can do.

"Did you bring us something delicious?" you ask tired and he just nods as an answer. You close your eyes and as you lay your head to your chest and his fingers continue to knead your muscles in a soothing way, you would like to stop time.

"Yer hungry? I can warm up something for you. Aaron told me, he had so sent ya home again" he asks in a low voice and you watch him frowning and then shake your head. It was obvious that Aaron was going to tell on you to Daryl. You know Daryl doesn't like it when you work to exhaustion, but you can't help it. He doesn't like it, but he accepts it, like you do every time he goes into the woods.

"Na, thanks.I already got an order in the works" you smile and know one of the neighbours will bring some food in the next minutes. But then you think about his words. If he already wants to warm something up now, then he must have been back for a while.

You know how long it takes to get a deer apart.

"Since when are you back? I didn't see you coming? " you ask and sit up.

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