#3 always listen to your sixth sense

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"When will you stop observing him like that? I guess you need some holidays from Simon", Sherry asks laughing while you are on your way back to camp. You just snort and know you won't stop observing him, not until you have a confirmation or your doubts fade away. It's been weeks now, but you can do this for years, if necessary. What confuses you most is the fact that there are so many people meanwhile in the camp, and not with one single person you are so suspicious like with Simon.

Sherry and you have been on a run together today, but you didn't find much supplies, Sherry's backpack is only half full, and yours is empty except for two bottles of water. You're angry about that, and most of you only find that much meanwhile.

And then, you have Simon. He brings tons of supplies, he finds them just like that. You have never been on a run with him, neither did Sherry or Dwight. He didn't want you to go with him. And this is also a point which makes you think more about his behaviour. He rather goes with somebody else or wants to go alone instead of going with one of you.

But today Sherry and you found something more interesting, more important than all those food and clothes Simon brings to the camp. Something that will bring you more for the future and will help you all to survive.

You found an old factory with a large area. You couldn't get into the building today, because there have been too many walkers in there. But with the help of the other you could clean the area and make yourself a more or less comfortable home. It is surrounded by a chain link fence, which gives a bit of safety. You could sleep in peace for the first time since the outbreak.

There is space for much more people than you actually are in the camp. That means you all have better chances to survive, when you work together.

So you decided to go back and talk to the others. You want to convince them to take a look at the building and possibly move the camp there. There would be enough space for everyone. And maybe it could be a place where you can live in peace, your supplies are secured, where you can make yourself more comfortable. Where it could be possible to think about other things, than how to survive from day to day. Where you can begin to live again.

But there is one problem: Simon.

He's been causing trouble again and again for the last few days, trying to push through his crazy ideas. He has conflicts and fights with others who disagree with him. And you can't get rid of the feeling that he still has more and more supporters at his side because of the tons of supplies he brings.

The problem is that this man is a master of speech. He uses big words, is able to twist all the facts to his advantage. However, you know from some people that they also doubt him, just like Sherry. She isn't as skeptical as you are, but that doesn't change the fact that she doesn't trust him.

Shaking your head, you look further ahead into the woods. For several weeks now, you have been watching Simon and you won't stop. You can't explain where your bad feeling comes from but you hope to find out some day and stop him from whatever before it comes worse with him.

In the last weeks, more and more people have come to the camp, most brought by Simon, so this factory is a blessing for all of you. With about a dozen people in tents at the heart of the woods, it's too dangerous. They are too loud, attract walkers over again and again, and you don't even want to start with the hygienic standards. And you can't shake off the feeling that a dictatorship is breaking out in the camp because Simon thinks he's the boss and more and more people help him.

But still all these people don't trigger a feeling in you like Simon does . With Simon, you always have a sense that you have to be on alert, that you have to be careful what you say and what you do.The others are just blind followers. Happy about that he brings so much food and supplies which leads them to blend out the fact that he's a complete insane asshole.

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