Part 3

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Bucky ran his fingers through his hair for the millionth time as Steve stared at the notepad in front of him. They'd been sat in the common area for the best part of the day trying to get somewhere with the wedding plans.

The three of you had made a list of what needed doing and the boys had said they'd try to get a few things ticked off whilst you were at work. When they thought they were getting somewhere and had a venue for the wedding booked, a reporter had contacted them wanting the details of their 'unusual' wedding.

Bucky had been so angry he had ripped a cushion in half instead of putting his fist through the coffee table. Steve called the venue back and canceled, giving them a piece of his mind before hanging up and letting out a defeated sigh.

"Why is this so HARD!" Bucky huffed dramatically.

"Buck," Steve tutted.

"Here, you two, drink this." Tony placed two glasses of his liquor on to the table.

Steve raised his brow as he picked his glass up. "Why?"

Tony let out a heavy breath as he sat down on the opposite couch to what they were. "Because you look like you need it."

"We can't get drunk, Tony, remember? And what we need is help." Steve groaned, sitting back in his seat as he ran his hands down his face.

"And that's why I'm here. Y/N sent me up. She said you might need some help." He smiled at the blonde.

Bucky groaned and dropped his head into his hands. "We were supposed to be helping."

"How can we, Buck? We're terrible at this sort of stuff." Steve frowned.

"Like I said, that's where I come in. I've organized a party in less than hour before." Tony smiled proudly.

Bucky scoffed. "This is a wedding, Stark. Not a fucking stag party."

"A wedding is a party, just with a wedding dress." Tony pointed at Bucky. "And, I'll also be planning the stag." He smirked. "I've got a guy for everything."

The two soldiers looked at one another having a silent conversation before Steve nodded. "Okay, but you do everything we want, and nothing more."

Tony rolled his eyes. "Where's the fun in that, Capsicle?"

"We mean it, Stark. This isn't going to be circus. We want something simple." Bucky glared at him, already regretting their decision.

"And boring. Yeah, got it." Tony huffed as he sat back in his seat. "Lord help me."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"I don't say this often

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"I don't say this often... Actually, I don't think I've ever said it, but Tony was actually really helpful." Bucky smirked playfully and put another mouthful of dinner into his mouth.

You rolled your eyes and snickered as Steve gave Bucky a glare. "Well, I'm glad he was actually some help."

Steve nodded, "Yeah, he was able to sort catering, flowers, decorations, and he was able to book a venue he says he knows you'll love."

You creased your brow, "What venue?"

Bucky shrugged, "A woods or something. There a couple of cabins and a lake." He put more food into his mouth. "Apparently you said something to him about always wanting to get married outside."

You paused midair as you suddenly thought back to the two times you'd ever mentioned the idea of an outside wedding in the woods.

One was whilst you were traveling together, reminiscing about when you were a kid, planning your wedding. And the other time was when you were a kid, you'd just discovered smores and camp fires and begged Tony to 'go camping'. He set up a make shift tent out if a dust sheet in his lab and made smores with a blow torch. Probably not the best way with a nine years old present but you thought the whole night was amazing.

"Can we do this for my wedding, 'Ony?" You asked looking up at him with chocolate around your mouth.

Tony raised his eyebrow, "Wedding? Who are you marrying?"

"Cap'ain 'merica." You giggled, "He's so cu'e."

Tony rolled his eyes. "Of course."

You began smiling and shook your head. "Uh, yeah, I did." You glanced at Steve and began blushing. "... I feel so much better now."

Steve smiled and reached over placing his hand over yours. "Don't worry, doll, it's gonna happen." He winked at you.

"Yeah. We're gonna be married..." Bucky grinned and sat back in his chair. "I can't wait to fuck you as Mrs Barnes."

"Mrs Barnes?" Steve frowned. "What about me?"

"Don't worry, you can be Mister Barnes." Bucky smiled, sending you a playful wink.

Steve frowned at him. "What if she doesn't want to be a Barnes?"

"Why wouldn't she, Punk? We're hot." Bucky smiled smugly making you laugh.

"Okay, okay," You held your hands up stopping the pair of them from bickering. "What if we were, Barnes-Rogers?" You smiled at them.

Bucky smiled and looked at Steve. "I like the sound of that. What do you think, Mr Barnes-Rogers?"

"... Bit of a mouth full, isn't it?" He asked.

You nodded as you ate, "You're telling me. I struggle with just one of you in my mouth." You smirked proudly at him, making Steve drop his head in defeat as Bucky howled with laughter.

"If you say so, Mrs Barnes-Rogers."

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