Return IV

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2011, Somewhere in Far East region.

Y/N: "I'm here, at last."

There are two people that seems like a guard or security personnel that is guarding the entrance to the one of many Schicksal facilities. And you're right there, in front of them.

Guard 1: "Halt! Only person with granted permission can have access through here."

Guard 2: "How did you even find this place anyway?"

Y/N: "That's because the owner of this place was my friend, and I came to visit."

Guard 1: "My apologies. May I ask what your name is, Sir?"

Y/N: "Y/N. Y/N Schariac."

Guard 2: "Hahaha that's bullshit! You can't fool me weirdo, Y/N Schariac is dead. Now go away before I made you go myself!"

Y/N: "Is that so?" (Maybe knocking some sense into him won't be so bad.)

You step closer to the Guard as you concentrates the power of corruption into your hand. Your hand is coated with a dark aura.

Guard 2: "What are you doing? S-stay back! Or I'm calling backup if you don't do what I said!"

Y/N: "Go ahead."

The Guard looks at his partner.

Guard 2: "What are you doing newbie? Quick! Call the valkyries! This guy is.. strange!" 

The other Guard calls in to his earpiece.

Guard 2: "Send the squad! There's an intruder here! And he looks very dangerous!"

Guard 1: "N-no! Stay away! Aghhhh!"

You finish him off as the other guard is focusing on calling backup.

Guard 2: *Gasps* "W-what did you do to him? S-stand back! Our reinforcements and valkyries are on their way, you're going to be surrounded in no time, I suggest you surrender!"

The 'newbie' guard pointed his weapon right at your face. 

Guard 2: "I said stand back! I'm gonna have to shoot you if you don't!"

Y/N: "..."

Guard 2: *Shoots*

He shot his weapon right at your face, but before the bullet could hit your face, you deflect it with the bulletproof plate on your battlesuit.

Guard 2: "W-what? How?"

The newbie guard just stands there shocked by your inhuman reflex. You walk closely to him until you're beside him, then you whisper to his ear.

Y/N: "Just get outta my way, or better yet, tell Otto that Y/N has come to visit."

You continue to go inside the entrance into the facility and leave him behind.

Guard 2: "Rraaaggghhhh!"

Unexpectedly, he is shooting at you again but this time it's a more powerful shot than before. Of course, you can handle it easily.

Y/N: "Are you done?"

Guard 2: "H-how did you? Impossible! I was shooting you with honkai powered weapon!"

Y/N: *Sighs* "I was going to let you go, but it seems like I need to silent you up."

You quickly dash at him before hitting him by the back of his head with just enough force to knock him out. Just after you're done, sirens and alarms are echoing all around the place. It's probably an emergency alert. You closed your eyes to focus on your hearing senses, there are heavy footsteps coming onto your exact location. You're also putting your hood and gas mask on to cover your face.

The Beauty of This World (Honkai Impact 3rd x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now