Chapter 1

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She stepped through the metal detector, self-consciously touching the visitors’ badge clipped to the front pocket of her blue jeans.

She certainly didn’t seem to be the sort one would expect to find in a Government Agency building.

Nervously crumpling the already crumpled sheet of paper folded up in the bottom of her pocket, she continued on down the confusing network of dimly lit hallways.

“Jeffrey Spender?” She inquired of yet another ‘Cookie-Cutter Mr. FBI Agent Man’. And, like the last three or four people she had questioned, her merely shook his head and passed her by.

A harried looking woman carrying an armload of folders and loose papers hurried down the corridor.

“Excuse me,” the visitor called out hopefully. “I’m looking for an Agent Spender. Agent Jeffrey Spender.” A blank stare was the only answer she received.

Situated roughly halfway down the corridor was a closed door. This seemed to be the only room here in this particular corridor.

The visitor approached the door and tapped on it.

“Yeah?” A man’s voice called out.

She turned the knob and pushed the door open just a little bit, peeking around it.

“I’m looking for Agent Jeffrey Spender,” she stated in a small voice.

“Maybe you’d better come in.”

She entered the small office, closing the door behind her.

“Are you Agent Jeffrey Spender?” She asked the man sitting behind the desk.

He shook his head no in reply and introduced himself,

“Special Agent Fox Mulder.” He then turned to the lady standing beside his desk. “This is Special Agent Dana Scully.”

“Victoria Gray,” the visitor introduced herself.

For some time, the office’s three inhabitants eyed each other silently. The visitor, standing nervously just inside the door, saw before her a ruggedly handsome man (in his late twenties or early thirties) sitting back in his chair with his feet propped up on top of the not-exactly-organized desk. At his side stood a very petite, perhaps slightly younger, and very attractive woman.

The two of them in turn gazed back at a very young woman (not very far into her twenties, by the look of her) dressed in a gray t-shirt, a well-worn pair of blue jeans, and dirty white tennis shoes. There was a small silver hoop through her left nostril. She seemed to have something of Jeffrey Spender’s looks about her, in a very vague sort of way.

“Why are you looking for Agent Spender?” the woman who had been introduced as Dana Scully finally questioned.

Victoria Gray nervously cleared her throat and squeaked in response,

“Well, you see…he’s my brother, I guess.”

“I wasn’t aware of Spender having any siblings,” Fox Mulder commented, drawing his eyebrows together.

Victoria fidgeted.

“I wasn’t aware of it either,” she stated. “And I don’t think Jeffrey knew either, ‘til recently. You see, I was adopted at birth. I don’t know how Jeffrey managed to track me down, he didn’t say. But he sent me this letter.” She pulled the sadly crumpled sheet of paper from her pocket and stepped forward to lay it down on the desk. “He sent me this letter and a visitors’ pass to the FBI Headquarters. He wants to see me, obviously.”

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