Chapter 5

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“’Morning, lover,” Dana Scully murmured, rolling over onto her side to face the girl who lay beside her. Scully had ever been able to imagine herself calling anyone ‘lover’. Especially not another woman. Especially not a human-alien hybrid woman who was really no more than a girl. Life's funny that way, she mused. It tended to throw things at you that you never imagined. Well, she was glad life had thrown Vicki Gray at her.

“’Morning,” Vicki replied with a smile.

After a shower, the two of them sat down at the kitchen table with their coffee.

“I want you to stay in the apartment today, okay?” Scully requested of Vicki as she prepared to head out the door. “Don’t go out. Don’t walk anywhere. Just stay here where you’re safe.”

“Okay,” Vicki promised. She waited for Scully to slip into her coat, then stepped in close to her for a lengthy good-bye kiss.


“What’s the workload like today?” Scully queried, perching on the edge of Mulder’s desk.

“Nonexistent,” Mulder answered her.

“No cases?”

“Not so far.” He opened one of the drawers in his desk and retrieved a pencil that had been sharpened to a perfect point. Leaning back in his chair, he launched the pencil upward. It lodged itself there in one of the small holes in the acoustic ceiling, along with the other half dozen or so pencils that hung from the ceiling like tiny yellow stalactites.

“Bored?” Scully giggled.

Mulder nodded his head yes in reply. There were a few things he could think of that he’d like to do with Scully to relieve the boredom of a slow day at the Agency, and he actually thought about mentioning one or two of them to her. But he couldn’t. She’d made her choice, hadn’t she? She wanted to be with Vicki Gray. If he’d only told her long ago that he loved her! But he’d let countless opportunities slip by. And now…

He grabbed another pencil from the desk drawer and chucked it at the ceiling with a little too much force. It hit the surface of the ceiling, rebounded, and plummeted back down to clatter on the desk.

“You’re losing your touch, Mulder,” Scully teased him. She picked the pencil up and lobbed it gently upward, where it lodged in the ceiling. She turned her head to grin at him, and he had to fight the urge to grab her and plant a kiss on her full, soft looking lips.

Scully had taken note of the expression of frustration and repressed desire that had passed briefly across Mulder’s face.

“I’m, um, free for dinner tonight, if you’d still like to do that,” she stated.

“You don’t think Vicki’d mind?”

“Of course not. Mulder, you don’t need to be jealous.” What she had intended to say was You don’t need to be jealous. I love you. But the last three words had stuck in her throat, just as they had hundreds of times before.

“I’m not jealous. I’m just wondering if Vicki’d be jealous if you had dinner with me tonight,” Mulder mumbled.

“Of course not,” Scully repeated.

“I’m just going to call Vicki and let her know I won’t be home until later,” Scully said as she and Mulder were preparing to leave the office.

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