Chapter 2

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“Well, good night,” Mulder said yet again to Scully.

“Good night,” she replied.

They had been standing there, saying ‘good night’ to each other for the past two or three minutes now, yet neither one of them had made a move toward the door.

The air itself seemed heavy with tension, weighed down with the words that lay unspoken between them.

Was it really so hard to say ‘I love you’, Mulder wondered to himself. Yes, yes it was. If it had been an easy thing to say, he would have said it to Dana Scully long ago. He didn’t know what held him back now, what had held him back for the past two years. He wanted Scully. He needed her. He loved her. Yet he could not bring himself to express his feelings for her.

Dana Scully had relived this very moment over and over in her dreams. The dream would always end with her drawing Mulder into her arms and whispering ‘I love you, Fox. I’ve always loved you.’ But this wasn’t a dream. And as much as she longed to tell Mulder how she felt, for some reason she just couldn’t.

“Good night, Mulder.” Scully opened the door and stepped out into the hallway…only to be nearly knocked flat as Victoria Gray barreled straight into her.

“Vicki?!” Scully gasped, staggering under the weight of the girl’s impact. “What’s wrong, Vicki? What happened?”

Vicki merely folded both arms around Scully’s neck, buried her face in Scully’s shoulder, and sobbed for all she was worth.

Scully twined her arms comfortingly around Vicki’s waist and half walked with her/half carried her back into the office.

“Scully?” Mulder questioned in alarm. “Vicki? What happened?”

Vicki slowly pulled away from Scully, but several minutes had gone by before she was able to regain enough composure to speak.

“I m…met him,” she whispered, swallowing hard. “I met C.G.B.”

“Are you sure?” Mulder slipped out of the jacket he had just donned and tossed it onto his chair.

Vicki nodded her head. “He f…forced me into his car.”

“Did he speak to you?”

“Yeah. He called me his daughter, and he said I b…belong to him and he…he said something I didn’t understand. He said that Cassandra isn’t the only one. Who’s Cassandra?

Mulder and Scully shared a glance.

“Cassandra Spender,” Mulder explained, “is Jeffrey Spender’s mother.”

Scully was studying Vicki speculatively.

“You said that C.G.B. told you that you ‘belong to him’?” She finally questioned. One copper-gold eyebrow rose slightly.

“Yeah.” Vicki shuddered. She hated even thinking about the man.

“And yet he let you go?”

“He didn’t. I escaped…jumped through the car window.”

“You jumped through the car window?” Scully’s other eyebrow joined the first up near her hairline.


“Then why don’t you appear to have any lacerations?”

“I don’t?” The honest disbelief in Vicki’s tone took both Mulder and Scully aback.

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