welcome!! | rules / announcements

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hihi, i'm mari, your author, and it seems like you've found my boboiboy Oneshot/scenario book. thank you for checking this out and I'm really glad you've taken the time to read this.

this page is just to welcome new readers at most and for those who've been here before, hey! nice to see you again<3

this page is also to set some !new! reminders as well as always updating to update news and everything as well. 

requests are currently : open :D


1. no smut/lemon/lime requests, please; this is a 
f a m i l y f r i e n d l y 
show and i don't want readers with -10 of age to uhm... read/request inappropriate content

2. requests can be made in the comment section of the next chapter (aka the request page) or my inbox/message! 

3. if looking for a specific storyline/concept please type in so! 
eg. Y/n's personality, a significant turn of events, etc.

{ this includes the characters as well, please say which elemental you would like
 however, if you only typed in "Boboiboy" then I'll write it as the Boboiboy of my choice }

4. the first few of my chapters probably used she/her pronouns but i'll try to change / edit them to other pronouns as well; writing your pronouns along with your request is also ok

5. requests will take 2-3 weeks at most unless I have a lot of work and stuff going on in my life then i will remind you in your inbox if it's going to be published late.

6. no spamming, please! even if you're very desperate for a story, please don't! it really either annoys me or makes my motivation dissapear. however, requesting a different story/plot again is acceptable (sequels are ok as well)!

7. please request on the REQUEST PAGE only (aka next chapter), to be honest, you can request anywhere but i prefer if you have requested on the request page instead. 

8. if your request did not get published then it's either i have forgotten it or i feel don't feel comfortable enough to with it.

that's all for now! enjoy reading!

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