"Just focus on me only" |boboiboyxreader|royalau!

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~ A/n- Y/n L/n is the up-and-coming queen of the country, "Lyralia". However, they cannot be considered the official queen of the country yet, due to their age not reaching 18 yet. ~

"Hnngghh..." you groaned as you woke up to meet the bright sunlight piercing through the window since someone was opening the curtains. 

The flowing curtains flutter and hide the silhouette of the person who decided to "accidentally" blind you, which made you quite mad. "Ugh, did you have to open that all clear and wide??" You complained, sitting up and rubbing your eyes. 

"I'm sorry, your majesty but it's time to wake up, " the person said as the curtains fluttered down. The silhouette turned out to be your royal assistant and right-hand woman, Jane. "Wow, thank you, Jane" you thanked as you got out of bed and brushed the dust off your nightgown.

 "Let's get ready. His majesty, Boboiboy, requests your presence for his afternoon tea today, I heard he had just got a surprise for you as well and we couldn't forget the wedding party of your distant cousin, Duchess Marina. The Great 7 will also be invited as a special guest." She reminded you as you then got ready. 

"Oh, I can't wait for her wedding party!" You squealed while you couldn't contain your excitement. 

"You have outdone yourself with this party, even when you didn't have to plan and organize the whole wedding though" Jane sighed as she gave you the neatly folded dress you'll wear today.

 "Hehehe, getting the princess to plan your party is not something you can get any day y'know? Plus, this party is special" you reminded Jane as you received the clothes and got ready for the day. 

As you got out of the room to meet with Jane outside, she looked quite uneasy in her face. "So? How do I look?" you cheerfully asked her, twirling around in your outfit. "You look amazing, your majesty, before attending the afternoon tea session. It seems that the princes of GogoBugi would like to hold a meeting to discuss their new monument of freedom. Judging from the numerous monuments and arts we have displayed throughout our country" Jane explained as her uneasy face eases down, "Got it, he's already in the meeting room, right?" you agree to the statement, "Yes, In addition to the current moment, joining "The Great 7" had also increase our country's income massively" She informed as you both then finally reached the meeting room. 

"The Great 7" was a nickname for the alliance of the great 7 kingdoms and the royal rulers next to the throne. Rintis, YangZhe, Gogobugi, Dharaya, Satiavati, and the new addition of Lyralia. All kingdoms decided to create a trading community and alliances. Currently, the royal families of the Great 7, excluding you, are enjoying their time exploring and relaxing in Lyralia. Boboiboy is currently representing Rintis, YangZhe with Ying, Gogobugi by Fang and Kaizo, Dharaya with Yaya, Satiavati with Gopal as a representative, and you with Lyralia. 

As Jane opened the door for you, the two princes of Gogobugi, Fang and Kaizo, stood up from their seats to bow at you. "Good day to you" Fang greet as you bowed to the two princes as well. "Likewise" You replied as you then took a seat in the meeting room. 

"Now let's start the meeting, as you can see we had recently formed alliances together we would like to commit a little trade." Kaizo started, "Go on," you said. "We would like to trade some of our pure silver with your service of creating a moment of freedom for us" Fang explained as he lightly pushed a blueprint as you took the thin and fragile piece of paper and observe every little detail.

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