part - 5 💜💜

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Y/n pov.

I was in first class with Chaeyoung unnie and yuna unnie waiting for a bitch oppss soory I am talking about maths teacher when that bunny enter class what was his name I forget??

Junglebook no jungkook

He was glaring at me so did I but my glare was very sharp after seeing my glare he look scared and look away but the way he was scared was looking cute .

Time skip .....

In cafeteria..

I was sitting with unnies and peacefully eating but God never like peace with me some one punch me very hard
??? - you bitch stay away from my oppas. Yesterday you were with my Namjoon oppa in library.

All attention was on us now even bts also great just great and about my unnies they didn't say anything because they know I will handle it

Me - I don't know who is your oppas nor I want to know (bored tone) and me being a bitch then yes I am a bitch but not a slut like you who sleep with boys for money

Well I was not in good mood today so I wanted something on which I can use my anger you know so now I have a nice great punching bag

I held her hand a twist it and kick her a stomach

Time skip after beating RB and her minion

Me - never mess with me or my friend understand it (yell)

Now I was feeling much better very very gooooood

RB - you ugly bitch

Me - what the really fuck I am not like you who use makeup to impress boys for money and me being ugly then no one can resist my World Wide beautiful face remember (wink at her)

Me and unnies went to our next class

Bts pov... Meanwhile

We enter cafeteria only to be welcome by screams of girls

Girl21- Namjoon oppa marry me
Girl16- jin opppppaa
And so on 😒😒😒😒

We went and sit down were eating and chatting peacefully and we hurt a voice she said she was with Namjoon yesterday we look at Namjoon with
" Can you explain look" Than she started beating them mercilessly her friends we're sitting there with smirks
The RB said her ugly and what she said make us look at jin hyung who just chuckle at her when she went out of cafeteria

Namjoon - "explain everything"

Namjoon - well she is cold but is very polite yesterday she didn't bean rude but she said sorry when we both bumped because she know that it was her fault nor she distrub in my business.

Yoongi- she beat them very mercilessly right

Jk- she has very sharp glare you know

Jhope - why

Jk - "explain everything"

Jimin and tae - why are we talking about that bitch

Jin - ok now go to you classes go shoo shoo

Y/n pov...

After school....

Y/n - unnies
(cute tone and puppy eyes)

Ryujin - yes we remember
( pinch my cheeks)

Yeji - okok come

Yuna+Chaeyoung+me -yay chocolate here we come

After eating ice -cream I went home to see bts Mrs. Jeon and Mr. Park

Mr. Park - y/n you come ok we decided the wedding

I just nodded drinking water form bottle

Mr.park - the wedding is on weekend

I just stare at him with blank face with no emotion

Mrs. Jeon - we will go on shopping tomorrow ok

I didn't said anything and went to my room

I know it's small update but I was busy cleaning house and holiday homework

Happy Diwali cupcake

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