Snow White and Prince Charming

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"Well,well,well." Overcome by dark delight, you unveil your coldest, wickedest smile. "Hello my darlings."

Standing before you, bound by thorny vines, were your greatest enemies - Snow White, Prince Charming and three of the remaining seven dwarves, her 'protectors'. Above you, golden sunlight filtered through a canopy of ivory leaves. Around you, majestic trees teemed with fruit and flowers. Dark soil glistened with poison that seeped through it, one of your many masterpieces.

It was the loveliest war zone you'd ever seen.

Radiating her patented mix of shock and fury, Snow White bucked and strained for freedom. You didn't want to brag, but you were the one who had introduced her to that fury. Before xox, she had been all sunshine and roses, or at least that was the construct she put up. It was as fake as her tits.

One by one, each of the dwarves bowed their heads, ashamed. Ashamed of what they did to you and the lack of mercy that had accompanied their actions. Too late, you thought to yourself. Far, far too late. All the while, Prince Charming held your gaze, unafraid of your wrath. He was a warrior to his core, forged in fire, then honed and sharpened like a blade,one strike at a time.

Shivers careened down your spine as you breath in the sugar and spice of his scent. Focus, you tell yourself.

"Dear, sweet Prince, mere hours ago you wished to prove your love for me." Would he prevail at long last, or let you down once again?

"Behold. This is your chance. Side with me, and loose her. Or, side with her, and loose me. What you cannot do? Side with us both."

Snow White had wounded you both mentally and physically, so deeply, so profoundly. You were sure you would never recover. But, you thought to yourself, you could manage to be comforted by Prince Charming - if he did as you asked.

The fact that he didn't respond wight away...

You bite your tongue until you taste blood. Keep calm, you tell yourself, remain steady.

Finally, he said, "I love you." His ragged voice teased your ears. "I love you with all my heart."

Joy began to stir to life. You'd actually won?

Then he added "Bur, i cannot let you hurt her."

Your lungs deflate, leaving you breathless and dizzy. "You love me, so you protect her? Good one. For your next trick, pull a rabbit out of your invisible hat." A sob tears its way out of your mouth, and your heart clenches at the weakness you're letting off. The vulnerability. You try your best to blank your expression. "You so readily protect her, but where were you when I was beinghur? When I was in agony, where were you?"

His haunting beautiful eyes filled with torment and shame as he said, "Do you not see the irony, my sweet? You plan to commit the same crimes as the one you loathe. You're your own worst adversary. I wont let you become this."

How dare he! You would never be like Snow White. "This just it," you said, mimicking a prime-time anchorman, "Prince Charming could have enjoyed a happily-ever-after with'The Evil Queen', the best this to ever happen to him. Alas. The fool tossed her aside, and she moved on."

A Whitney voice cut in, dripping with conceit, "You, the best thing to ever happen to him?"

Snow White laughed. "Poor, poor Prince Charming." She hissed from beside him, the Thornes binding her digging into her pale skin.

Do not react, you chastised yourself. "We, poor, poor Prince. A villain in denial."

Without missing a beat, he responded "Every hero is a hero. It just depends on who you ask."

You found yourself pacing closer to him. He wasn't wrong. You were a villain to many and a hero to... few. Prince Charming and Snow White were heroes to the worl, but villains to you.

"She struck at you in many ways, time and time again. We will get justice and she will be punished, but we'll do it together." The Prince said firmly. You let out a forced laugh, and once again blanked your expression, edging nearer to him.

Snow's whining voice cut in as it has before. "How can you... my Prince, you can't." She peered at Prince Charming, the fury melting from her countenance, leaving only raw despondency. "You cannot support her!" She shrieked.

He held your icy stare, his gaze unwavering. You retuned his stare twice a fierce. "We both know that you will never let me go to the lengths she did. She will will never be punished greatly enough. I think it's about time I take things into my own hands, my dear Prince."

Everyone doubled their efforts to escape their thorny chains, everyone exceptPrince Charming. You stalk over to him, his face now inches from yours his scent filled your nose, stronger than before. Awareness of his every movement heated your blood and fractured your defences. He remains staring at you, determination written on his expression.

A dwarf chimes in. "You are a plague upon this world!" He sounds a little crazed no wonder, considering you were about to murder Snow White.

The Prince speaks up once more. "You are the one I crave more than breath." He says, a lock of hair falling across his eyes in his efforts to get closer to you. "I'm so sorry for what has been done to you, what I've let happen to you. Words cannot adequately express my remorse."

You pretend to inspect your nails for any dirt, not sparing him a glance, though you found his presence was intoxicating. "Let me think about whether I care how you feel or not. Hi... no. No I don't." He radiated disappointment and guilt. You were so tempted to just give up the act and kiss him right there. To forget all the hurt. Too bad, so sad, you think to yourself. What's done is done, even if it tears your soul into pieces.

He stare deep into your eyes, his gaze unwavering. "Is murder what you need? Will it help you heal from the damage we've caused?"

The question surprised you.

"Without a doubt." You reply in a heartbeat. Except, deep in your bones, you knew that you couldn't heal. Some wounds were permanent.

"Very well." He said as he raised his chin, his jawline sparkling withe beads of sweat from previous struggles. "For you, I will do anything. Even this." Somehow, he freed one of his arms from his binds and snatched the Appel from your grip. No!

"Don't you dare-"

To late.

Whit his gaze still on you, he bit into the poisoned fruit.

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