The Army

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You slip on your trench coat and wear your mask. And hooked your bow and gun snugly to your back and waist. And a small knife underneath your shirt for good measures. Grabbing something on a nearby shelf, you looked at your broken mirror, the mirror that made you who you are today. You stare at the cracks and see your reflection. A scar that is from the corner of your mouth to your ear.

The incident of how it came about reminded you that that was the last time you let your guard down and you held on to that promise. You look at yourself one last time in it and you slip it into one of the pockets on your coat. Then you hear a knock followed by a familiar voice. "They're waiting for you, Madam." Your assistant spoke, through the closed door. You rubbed your thumb over the mirror for good luck and you walk towards the door and place your hand on the cool knob.

Before you opened it, you glanced back to the room, and breathed in a shaky breath. You couldn't remember when was the last time you felt this much pressure on you.

When you opened the door with a real, light blinded you and you shielded your eyes from it but stepped forward.once your eyes adjusted to your surrounding, you looked up and saw them.

Your army.

Your battalion.

The Calvary.

You were once afraid of them but now, you are the ones they feared. Everyone stared at you, whit utmost silence, waiting for your command. Underneath the mask you smiled, not at the people but at the power. As you weren't just going to lead an army for a war that wa sure to go down in history, you were going to star a revolution.

You raised your right hand, and everyone's stance shifted and with a simple nod to the control centre, signal for them to open the gates. And the gates creaked open.

Everyone place their gas mask as you'd o. And you walked towards the entrance, saluting your fellow friend and acquaintances while at it, and stood in front of the army.

Whit your back facing the army, you raised the gun and laughed. Outside you saw the sun. You haven't seen the sunlight in so long.

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