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𝙺𝚊𝚣 𝚁𝚊𝚜𝚑𝚊𝚍 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚔𝚎𝚛

"Buttercup where you going?" I asked sitting up

         "I thought you were sleep" she said looking caught

"Nah now where you going? And then you got on a sun dress?" I asked throwing the cover off of me

           "I'm about to go get my cap and gown then I have to get my nails done" she said looking at her nails

"Come gimmie some love" I said while going to my bank app to send her some money

             "I'll be gone for a while I made y'all breakfast and I laid y'all outfits out for the day" she said while hugging me

"Okay imma see you later pretty girl be careful" I said kissing her forehead


After she left I locked up and woke my kids up before doing my morning routine

"Where mommy?" Kam asked coming in my bathroom with Killa right behind him

"She running errands, come brush yo teeth" I said making him sigh

"Who is Arron? You let mommy leave with other man?" He asked while grabbing his toothbrush

"Son she's not with a nigga" I said watching him do everything right

"I call her" he said before bending down to Killa

"Go get iPad" he said petting his head, and the fucking dog actually left the room

"You a grown ass man" I said shaking my head

"Me teached him to do stuff and he get snack" he said before Killa came back with this boy iPad

"Good boy" Kam said feeding Killa a treat from his pocket

"Mommy where are you I waked up and you not home" Kam asked as soon as the FaceTime connected

"Hey stink I'm getting stuff ready for my graduation" she said smiling

"Dad said you leave him for Arron" he said making me mug him

"Daddy needs to stop playing" she said while they continued to talk

"I cooked you food stink" she said while we walked to the living room

"Mommy talk to dad while I eat okay" he said before giving me his iPad

"Hii daddy whatcha doing?" She asked

"Nothing making sure yo badass son don't do nothing bad" I said looking at his iPad screen

"This boy screen the cleanest I've ever seen a toddler have" I said

"I miss you already I think im clingy am I clingy?" She asked putting her AirPods in before getting out of her truck

"Yeah but I like it ion need space cause too much space leads to arguments and we don't argue" I said while turning on the tv

           "Yeah we don't because you always make me upset and don't let me yell" she said making me laugh

"You're so beautiful when is your photo shoot?" I asked

         "I don't know I think next week sometime" she said before telling a lady her name and what school she goes to


"Ayee getcho ass down Kamren" I said to Kam who's trying to climb up on the front desk

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