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"Baby chill please" Heaven mumbled while rubbing her stomach all day the baby has been acting up, first Heaven was sick and throwing up, and now the baby won't stop moving

"Buttercup you okay?" Kaz asked coming him his office

"No I think something is wrong Kaz" she said trynna stand but got light headed

      "Have you ate?" He asked sitting next to her rubbing her stomach trying to calm the baby down

"No every time I try I throw up" she said while he called Kim

       "Not now hoe I think some wrong with my baby mama, why would I be worried about Jas... I'm talm bout Heaven she my only baby mama" he said making Heaven laugh a lil

"Iono she can't eat the baby keep moving, and she said it's hurting" he said before looking at Heaven

       "Kim said were you spotting?" He asked

"Yes earlier" she mumbled a lil scared of his reaction

       "I'm finna take her up there, yeah I'll let you know bye hoe" he said before getting up

"Lemme call and cancel my last appointment and I'll take you to the emergency room" he said before calling his client


They've been here for hours waiting in the waiting area, Kim had to go get Kam from school because Kaz wouldn't leave Heaven here alone

        "Mommy do you feel better yet?" Kam asked while rubbing his mom's stomach

Honestly she felt as though she was dying and no one would stop to help her, but Kamren has been up and very talkative and she didn't want to tell Kaz because he'll freak out and make Kamren freak out

       "Aye how much longer we gotta wait my wife is fucking pregnant and something wrong" Kaz yelled to the lady at the front desk

"Mommy you bleeding" was the last thing Heaven heard before passing out

"Mommy wake up" Kam said while shaking his moms unconscious body, the nurses and doctors rushed to the waiting room to tend to her after having her sit here for two hours

       "If my wife die I'm killing everybody in this bitch" Kaz said angrily while following them as the doctors rushed her to a room, everyone was working so fast trying hard to keep her heart pumping

"Sir your wife has gone into an early labor your baby is going to be premature if left with the choice to save one who do we save?" A doctor asked Kaz

       "What the hell kinda question is that? save them both fuck nigga, do your damn job the hell" Kaz yelled

"Okay but this is very risky" the doctor said before they took Heaven to an operating room

       "Why you didn't pick mommy, she gonna leave me?" Kam asked his dad but Kaz ignored him

"Kamren that's not something I want to pick, if she lives and your sister doesn't she's gonna be sad and think it's her fault, and I'm too selfish to let her die so I'm not picking" Kaz said while Kam mugged him

"Bullshit" Kam mumbled before walking away

"God please" Kaz said before going after his son

"There's so much blood how did this happen?" A nurse who left to give Kaz an update said while the surgeon and intern packed Heaven with lap pads, before the nurse left Heaven was doing fine and her vitals were fine as well

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