Chapter 20: On the Rocks

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"Janine, I'm really not sure you should be pushing yourself like this."

Janine keeps her deadpan expression. "Saying it a thirty-eighth time will not discourage me any more than the previous thirty-seven, Mr. Yao."

He huffs, looking at her with a mixture of annoyance and concern. "Look. Just one week ago you could barely stand, and now you're running around like nothing's wrong. That potion Callista got from the scientists on Dearg might have slowed down the nanites, but you're still..." He sighs when she sends him a look. "I mean, you're not well, Janine. I can tell by looking at you."

"He's not wrong," I pipe up, which makes Janine give me a look that causes me to flinch. I know she's tired of hearing it from me, Tom, Paula, Jody and nearly everyone on Mor that sees her, but it's true. Deep shades of purple paint the skin under her eyes, and her skin is looking dull and ashy like it did before she got the medicine from the Dearg scientists. While we don't think exertion hurts her on her recovery days, it's not good for her to exhaust herself to this extent.

Even if she were completely fine, which she isn't, her doing this has everyone constantly worrying that something may happen while she's out. It's why I haven't told anyone about what happened to me yesterday. Not yet. I can't make things worse before they start to get better. Thankfully Shona has kept her word and hasn't told anyone.

"Runner Five, Mr. Yao, since Jones destroyed the armory, zombies have been encroaching on this island in ones and twos," She says, and my face twitches as I resist the urge to frown. We do know this. I was with Sam last night on coms. He was watching over Tom and his team, who were on duty last night to make sure no zombies came up through the caves. They were given the last of the bullets that survived Jones' attack. Because of it, any patrols there can no longer fend off the zombies approaching from the sea.

"Reports from last night suggest that the previously dormant zombies on the Niomh Island are on the move," She continues. "Fewer zombies are visible on the island. Several have been observed walking into the sea. All indication is that there is a large horde headed towards Mor Island underwater. We have no effective weapons, no cure, and no support coming."

I clench my fists. She speaks as if we're stupid. "We know, Janine."

"Then you should know that as the most experienced tactical mind on this island, it would be grossly irresponsible for me to spend this time reclining!"

"And it would be even more irresponsible of us to let you work yourself to death! You can still plan and send others out to implement it." I narrow my eyes. "I mean, how many times did you just oversee me while I went out and did what needed to be done? Can't you do that here? Or do you just like seeing everyone worry over you?"

Her eyes widen the slightest fraction before narrowing warningly. "Is there something you're trying to imply, Runner Five?"

I let out a breath, not unaware of the nervous look Sam is giving me. He's wondering where the hell I'm going with this. I'm sure I'm coming off as hypocritical since I've put myself in danger while others were worried, but it's my job to be a runner. Janine has been an overseer in multiple missions and only goes out when it is most beneficial or most needed. But right now, it is neither, and yet she still insists on going out despite everyone asking her not to. She could still help with making the plans! How does she not get that?

But I just shake my head, knowing starting a fight right now would not be a good idea. "No. No, I'm not."

She hums, although she keeps that narrow-eyed look aimed at me before speaking. "Plans are underway for a defense against the coming horde, but time is short. I will brief you on our strategy as we make the final preparation. Our first stop is with Dr. Cohen in the center of town. Let's go."

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