Ch. 30: new lasers

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one day Carlos and Jane comes over while Mal is away for a few days on the island as they walk up the stairs

'So what is Mal up to on the island?' Carlos says

'You're guess is good as mine' Evie says

'Wait she didn't tell you either' Jane says, they get to the top of the stairs

'She got a call in the middle of the night told me it was just an emergency' Evie says

'Oh' Jane says

'Anyways here's the star of the show' Evie says

'Should we be careful because of what happened last time?' Carlos asks, they stop in front of their bedroom

'She's been going to this doctor when they teach kids like Dizzy to control her powers' Evie says

'How's that going for you guys? Jane says

'Take a look for yourselves' Evie says, she opens the door and they see that everything is fine

'Hmm, so far so good' Carlos says, they walk in

'She might be sleeping?' Evie says

They walk up to Dizzy's crib and she is sleeping, then she opens her eyes and smiles at everybody and they smile back at her then her laser eyes goes off and cuts the chandelier down and everybody backs up

'Whoa!' Carlos says

'Ok that's a new one, that we need to work on' Evie says

'Did you guys see the different color from the lasers this time?' Jane says, they look at her

'what do mean?' Evie asks

'Last time they were red, this time they was blue' Jane says

'So red means that she mad' Evie says

'And blue means that she's happy' Carlos says

'I got to call Mal, can you guys stay with her' Evie says

'Yeah' Carlos says, Evie leaves and calls Mal


'Well that explains why her lasers keep changing colors, ok that sounds good, ok love you too bye' Mal says, she hangs up

'Evie?' Hades asks

'Yeah, it was' Mal says, she turns around

'What's wrong?' Hades says

'Dizzy just shoot out blue lasers this time not red' Mal says

'Hmmm, well the blue part I get probably from my side and Evie's genes but you and your mother are purple so why is she shooting out red lasers instead of purple' Hades says

'Now its a reddish orange color' Mal says

Sounds like she's trying to get connected to you since Evie gave birth to her they already have a connection' Hades says

'And now she's trying to make that connection, hopefully Ben doesn't have anybody that he can contact and try to get them' Mal says

'I thought Ben was dead?' Hades asks

'He supposed to but Evie hates lethal injection' Mal says

'Then where's the fun in that' Hades says

'I keep trying to tell her about how's it's better but she wouldn't listen so that's why I'm here' Mal says, Hades looks at her in surprise

You going to kill him behind Evie's back' Hades says

Eh kinda of I'm going to tell her ahead of time if she doesn't like it too bad' Mal says, Hades smiles an evil smile

'That's my evil girl' Hades says, Mal smiles too


'Thanks for coming over guys' Evie says

'No problem' Jay says, he and Harry are on a ladder putting up a new chandelier up

'I thought that Dizzy was going to a doctor where she can control her powers?' Uma says

'She is and she was going good until now' Evie says, Jay and Harry climbs down from the ladder

'Hey guys come check this out Dizzy left a message' Lonnie says, they walk up to her and it says

'Ben, lethal injection'

'Ben, lethal injection, what does that mean?' Harry asks

'It means the emergency that Mal on is not one she's going to kill him' Evie says

'So what do we do?' Carlos asks

'There's nothing that you guys can do but I can, can a couple of you guys stay here and watch Dizzy while I go and kick her mom's butt' Evie says, they laugh

and they laugh because Evie tries to be tough with Mal but she always gives into whatever Mal wants or does, its not manipulation, it's just Mal is Evie's weakness

'I know I always give it but not this time' this time Mal is going down' Evie says

'Ok now I'm scared' Audrey says

So Evie packs a few things, says her byes to everybody and Dizzy because it would be too dangerous for her to go with Evie, then Evie leaves and heads to the island too

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