Chapter 7.5 - Klee Chase 2 Electric Boogaloo

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*Artillery shell landing sound effect*
Kokomi: "The fuck was that?"
Aether: "Your guess is as good as mine"
They walk over to where they heard the loud boom.
They look down into the crater. "Oh shit"
Kokomi: "What? Whats wrong?"
Aether: "Its a being of destruction" *points*
Kokomi: " it behind the kid? "
Aether: "No it is the kid!"
Kokomi: "You silly sod! what damage can a small child cause"
Aether: "you'd be surprised"
Klee: "Hi Traveler! Hi Traveler's friend!"
Kokomi: "Hello :)"
Aether: "Hi Klee, I see you came from the sky... *squints* is Jean searching for you again"
Klee: "Oh-umm...nooooooo"
Aether: "Don't lie to me"
Klee "I'llBeGoingNowByyyyyye!" *Runs away*
Aether: "Catch that child!"
Kokomi: "well I guess it'll be one of THOSE days"
Aether and Kokomi join the chase

Kokomi: "How the hell can she drive a boat!?"
Aether: "She is like Flex-Tape. She can achieve anything yet you dont know how exactly she does it."

-Inazuma main Island- Y/N POV
*Teleport sounds*
Y/N and Rosaria had teleported to an Inazuma waypoint
Rosaria: "Why are we here again?"
Y/N: "I saw Klee flying all the way over to Inazuma"
Rose: "How the fuck did you witness that?"
Y/N: "I ate a lot of carrots when I was young."
Y/N: "anyway, we should make our way to the City, if she isn't there yet then she's bound to be there eventually"
Rosaria nods her head in agreement and they make there way over to Inazuma City.

-Military Encampment- no-one POV
Soldier: *ZzzZzzzzzZzz*
Soldier: "Wha-? HUH!?"
He Picks up his spear and points it in random directions scanning for enemies.
"Down here"
He looks down and see's a small child in red
Soldier: "Uhh, hi?" 'Whats a kid doing here?'
"Do you wanna play with me?"
Soldier: "Umm? No, I have guard duty. This place is no place for a kid."
"Oh...ok" *walks off kinda sad*
*Running Footsteps*
Soldier: "is that the fuckin' resistance leader?"
Kokomi: "STOP THAT KID!"
Klee: "uh oh!" *Runs*
Aether: "Dont touch that boat!"
*Boat drives away*
Aether: "Fffffffffffffffffffffudge"

Inazuma City- Rosaria POV
Y/N: "This place sells Mondstadt pizza? Nice"
We finish eating and go back to keeping a look out for Klee
"What are you 2 looking for?"
We turn around
Y/N: "Oh hey Kujou Sara, we're looking for Klee, she got a hold of caffeine and went on a rampage."
Kujou Sara: "That's cause for concern...and a threat to the City, I'll tell my troops to be on the lookout and to apprehend her if spotted"
Rosaria: "Make sure she's returned to Mondstadt if she's found by a soldier"
Sara: *Nods her head*
As Sara is about to walk away, a loud *KABOOM* Can be heard

A couple minutes earlier-Yoimiya POV
*sigh* it was a slow day at the shop, business has been rather slow lately (apart from on Halloween ofcourse).
"Woah! Fireworks!"
Yoimiya: "Hmm?" I turn around and see a kid "hey, dont play with that, those can be dangerous if they go off"
Klee: "Don't worry, Im good with bombs!"
Yoimiya: "I mean DONT set them off! Put down the matc-"

We rush over to where the explosion took place
Yoimiya: *Coughs up smoke* "Thats gonna be *cough* expensive to repair."
Klee: "Sorry! I more hyper than usual"
Klee looks at where the voice came from...ME
Y/N: "You caused enough destruction for one day! And that's saying something coming from me!"
"Who disturbs Eternity in my City"
Sara: "A-Almighty Shogun!" *Kneels*
Shogun floats down and lands like a badass.
Shogun: "You may stand my General"
Sara: *Stands back up*
Y/N: "Wazz poppin' jimbo"
Rosaria: "Hello Shogun"
Shogun: "Hello Y/N&Rosaria."
Shogun: "What caused this disruption?"
We all point at Klee
Raiden: "A small child?"
Yoimiya points at her house that's on fire: "She caused that!"
Raiden looks at the burning building: "Dear oh dear. Apprehend her!"
Y/N: "Your journey ends here!"
Before they can catch her, Klee fuckin' spike a bomb on the ground like a football, the blast knocks everyone back and sends her into the sky...again
Y/N: *sigh* "Again? Really?"
Rosaria: "Fuck this, Y/N Lets just go home or something"
Y/N: *nods head*

-time skip about a week- Jean POV

Jean was in her office looking out a window
Jean: "Klee, where the F are you?"
*Teliportation noises*
Jean turns around to the sound and is shocked to who it is.
Tsaritsa, currently on fire: *Hands Klee to Jean* "I believe this belongs to you"
Jean: "Uhh, yeah she does, sorry for any destruction she caused"
Tsaritsa teleports back to her nation.

Klee: "Hi Jean!"
Jean: *Motherly sigh of frustration*


What's up. I know these 2 chapter ain't exactly 'RoseXyou' but I got the idea of every genshin character chasing down Klee and went with it. I hope your day/night is lovely.

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