Chapter 1: The beginning.

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Umm...... I own nothing but the plot?


I feel myself drift in and out of consciousness. The only constant is the black. It's like I'm stuck in a void. Like I'm floating through space but there is no stars or planets. Just endless darkness. Why am I here you may ask? Well, that story starts off a long time ago.

1,000 Chaos Years Ago

I flew at Gaia in a giant ball of boiling hot water. I couldn't feel the heat at all. All that mattered was killing Gaia. I connected with Gaia hard enough to send her flying. Her earthen hands flailed all over the place. Before she hit the ground I caught her in the ball of water. I held her there and watched as she screamed and withered in pain from the heat. A sadistic smile spread over my face as I watched the woman that killed my friends burn. I slowly uncapped Riptide. She looked at me in fear as I strolled towards her. We both knew that when she was off the ground her domain wouldn't heal her. I could put her back to sleep.

I knew that when she goes back to sleep a giant blast of energy would be released and I would be at the epicenter of it. My water bubble should protect the camp though and that's all that matters..

Gaia was still withering in pain from the heat. When I reached her I turned towards the battle field. Everyone had stopped fighting and was watching me.

"FOLLOWERS OF GAIA" I shouted. My voice echoed throughout the silent valley of camp half-blood. I gestured at Gaia "THIS IS WHAT HAS BECOME OF YOUR MIGHTY LEADER! LEAVE NOW AND YOU WILL BE SPARED! OTHERWISE, YOU WILL END UP JUST. LIKE. YOUR. LEADER." I yelled stabbing down on Gaia on the last words.

I stabbed her once in the heart, once in the head and twice in the abdomen. She screamed curses in ancient Greek. She began to collapse into gold dust. She managed to compose herself enough to get one last sentence out.

"I curse thee, Perseus Jackson, so that anyone who has the slightest sliver of doubt in you, will betray you" She whispered cruelly.

Then she collapsed into the gold dust I know so well. But naturally, I forgot about the blast of energy that comes with the collapse of a primordial. I saw the wave of forest green energy speed towards me but I was too late to react. I see my body absorb some of the energy. Then it knocked me out.


I woke up with a face full of sand. Let me tell you: that is not a good start to a day. I sit up and rub the sand out of my eyes. I look up to see where I am. I'm on a beautiful beach. It's a clear day so I can see out to sea for miles. There was nothing on the beach. It was as if nothing has ever been here. No footprints, no rubbish, nothing. Despite that it still somehow looked extremely familiar.

"You're back?" said a familiar but cold voice from behind me making me jump.

I turn towards the source of it as fast as I can...... and turn face to face with Calypso. I make a noise of surprise which makes me sound a bit like a guinea pig.

"Cali?!!" I shout a little too loud causing her to flinch.

"Jeez" Calypso says angrily "I'm literally in your face"

"Sorry" I smile sheepishly.

She responded with a glare. I try to give her a friendly hug but she shakes it off.

She storms off down the beach. I stand there a bit confused. Why does she seem so mad? Did I interrupt her on her monthly? I decided to follow her down the beach. She would know where we were. I wonder where she decided to go after getting off the island.

"Cali wait up!" I shouted as I ran off after her.

"Why should I wait for a pig like you" she shouted back the anger clear in her voice.

"What?" I said confused

"You promised me...... You said you'd free me. I LOVED YOU! AND YOU THROUGH IT ALL AWAY! And for what?" She whispered the last part. She swallowed thickly and said "I waited everyday on this beach for three years waiting...." She shook her head slowly while laughing without humor. "I thought you were different. I thought you would be the one. I guess I was wrong.". She turned and walked towards the center of the island with tears running down her face.

856 words

Hey guy, gals, non-binary pals how was that? Good? Bad? Please point out spelling mistakes. It really helps.

Sorry I left the chapter on draft. Updates will be monthly (Hopefully. Don't hold me to that!)

Pairings for Percy. The earlier I get the suggestions the more likely it is that that will be the pairing.

Goodbye my majestic bears. Stay safe. Be sustainable.

Adios chicos,
Lord Cosmos.

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