Gamkat Dom!Gamzee

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(Quick A/N: I am NOT going to be doing gamzee's quirk because im just going to be a lazy ass and getting I'm not going to have kk cuss as much) Gamzee POV

"Yo Karbro! Can ya all up and c'mere? I need your motherfuckin' help!" I didnt tell him but, I have a major 'problem' if all you motherfuckers know what I'm all up and getting at. *wink*

"What did you ne-..." He stopped and just stared, my bulge was pumping itself because of its impressive length. Karkat blushed then turned around, "Gamzee! You dipshit!! You don't need help wi-...." He turned back around, realization on his face, "No! NonononononononononoNO!! I AM NOT H-HELPING Y-YOU WITH Y-YOUR.... 'PROBLEM'!!" He turned again and stomped out of my restpitblock.

Karkat POV

So gamzee calls me up to his restpitblock to help him with his fucking bulge problem!? Of course I really want to pail with him but there is NO WAY I am telling him my feelings have gone red."that stupid stoner!" I muttered, flopping onto my human 'bed'. Realizing how tired I actually am, I somehow fall asleep.

"Gamzee? W-where are you?!" *laughter* all I hear is laughing, it sounds like gamzee, I hear a slow, long honk and I instantly know he's sober again....

"HEY MOTHERFUCKIN' BEST BRO!! honk. HONK! honk. HONK!" He turns the corner to where I'm sitting against the wall. I see his shadow and watch the blood of my friends drip from his clubs. I close my eyes, trembling, and try to calm down. I've calmed him down once before when he was sober so what's a second time gonna do? I stand up and reach out for him.

"G-Gamzee please -" I said softly, trying to comfort him. "- calm down." I get closer to him, my hand on his lower arm. "G-GAMZEE!! NO!" I cry out as his raises his club and hits my head, knocking me out cold...

Hai my Caylen Clouds!! I hoped you enjoyed part 1! I'm excited to where this is gonna go. Hope you like it! Danks for reading and remember,
Stay Cloudy!☁
~K, Talya Out!

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