Chapter 36 - Madison

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The Uber arrived in less than five minutes and took me back to my house. My family were all eager to see me especially Leah but I told them it would have to wait. Telling them I got a last-minute call to head to work.

That's where I am now.

Working the busy Sunday afternoon with a thankfully calm group of customers. I'm thinking about Maxon and how I left him. I know he was looking forward to spending all day together but it just couldn't be. Thankfully, I there will be plenty of more times in the future to do so.

"Thank you for coming in on such short notice Madison." Daniel approaches me, giving me a small smile, his dark eyes taking on an apologetic look.

"No worries. This is what I do." I grab one of the trays the chef hands me and off I go. I have yet to speak with Jake and as the afternoon drags on becoming evening, it's evident he must be waiting to speak with me alone. Shit. Not looking forward to it.

By the time Jake calls for me, there are twenty minutes left till closing time. I walk my exhausted body over to his office and knock on the dark-colored door.

"You can come in." Comes his deep voice from the other side and I send up a little prayer to God for patience and strength. Whatever comes next is no surprise to God. I need to trust in Him.

Carefully, I open the door and find Jake behind his desk trying to catch up on last week's progress by the look of things.

I come to a halt. He's completely healed. No signs of bruises or cuts to his face or body are in sight.

"Madison, come in." He says without glancing up, "Sit." He gestures over at the chair next to him. The only other chair in the office.

My muscles tense as I stiffly walk over to sit on it. I fight the urge to ponder why it's even positioned there. So close to him.

He sets down his papers, turning his body to face me completely. He runs his gaze up and down my body and I feel myself still, waiting for an accusation of something but it never comes, "How are you?"

I'm taken aback by the casual tone in his voice. Something's wrong. Because I'm pretty damn sure your boss doesn't call you in to ask how you're doing.

"I'm glad to see you're alive and well, Jake but what do you really want? I know for a fact you don't care about how I'm doing."

He rears back as if I slapped him, blue eyes wide. "Is it that hard to believe that I care for you? Don't you understand? I love you, Madison. I want what's best for you."

I shake my head. This man is crazy if he thinks he knows what he wants for me. "Glad to speak with you, Jake. I think I'll head home now." I get up and he pushes me back down. I'm stunned by the force with which he did that and don't allow myself to move. "No. I just want to know one thing. Why didn't you show up to work today or yesterday."

Not a question.

"Are you serious? I worked today."

His eyes take on an angry look. "But you weren't planning on it and I want to know why. You never missed work before, Madison. Why now? Don't tell me it's because of Blake."

I cross my arms over my chest, defiance in my eyes. "Does it matter why?"

"So it was because of him." He grinds out. "Don't tell me you gave him a chance and he's now your boyfriend."

"So what if he is? It doesn't involve you."

He lets out a shaky sigh and turns to face forward toward the door. I watch him with caution, ready to flee at any moment. "He's not good for you, Madison. He's an athlete. A famous one at that." He turns to face me slowly and I hold my ground, trying not to let his words penetrate my walls. "Many problems come with fame."

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