Chapter 2

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Kaminari yawned as he set another box in the middle of the small apartment. His eyes wandered upon the unfamiliar walls. The place was already cozy and just screamed his squad. There was of course a tv in the middle of the room with various game stations and video game discs littered about it. The couch looked like something picked up from a garage sale, which could be true with how cheap his friends are, but still looked welcoming with its mismatch of pillows.

He let out a sigh as he sat and curled his fingers into the white fluffy blanket probably left behind by the last person who knocked out on the couch. It had already been a crazy 2 months after waking up from his apparent 10 year coma. It was mind-boggling to him. He literally went from 15 to 25 in the blink of an eye, and so much is different.

His family has been helping him try to adjust but it doesn't change how frustrating it all is. He feels more like he woke up from a 100 year coma where everyone and everything he knew is gone. It was his parents' idea that he should try moving in with his old friends from UA while getting adjusted to his sped-up hero program made specifically for cases like his when heroes injured or put out of the field for a long length of time get a refresher on their career. They hoped being surrounded by his career and older versions of his friends would help adjust him to his new life, while he did agree with them, he couldn't get out of this uncomfortable feeling crawling through his skin. He felt like he was living a lie, in another person's skin not his own.

"Maybe this was a bad idea..." Kaminari murmured to himself. He'd rather crawl back home and hide in his room surrounded by his untouched posters and cds and video games-and oh god all his manga!- the only place alone he felt like he was still in his world, where time hadn't fast-forwarded. But now the world was no longer his and the anxiety of it all-

Beep beep beep beep!

Kaminari jumped at his wrist band's alarm at his high heart rate and blood pressure. Anxiety, his worst enemy and as the doctors explained, can cause him complications enough to relapse him. Even though he was now on Anti-anxiety pills, he still needed this wrist band to ensure the least amount of pressure. Just the smallest can be bad for him...totally doesn't add to the anxiety at all.

Kaminari pressed his fingers to his wrist, focusing on the beat of his pulse, and started his breathing exercises. "1...2...3...4..." one big inhale, "5..." He opened his eyes, feeling his muscles relax. Even though his exercises help calm him down and fight the chances of anxiety attacks, he also just felt drained from it all. It was so unfair...

"Hey" Mina called softly, catching the blonde's attention. He turned to see her in the doorway, not looking at all better rested than he.

The pink girl didn't seem too different from high school, other than the obvious growth spurt. She, like the rest of the squad, was working hard to try to make him feel as comfortable and welcomed in their place. They, like the rest of his family, just wanted him to be happy and feel back-to-normal as he can in his situation. He appreciated and missed them so much. Though the "squad" is much smaller than he remembered. The apartment only contained her, Sero, and Kirishima. When he asked about the rest of Class A, no one really had a direct answer. Typical lost connection with some, in touch with few. No one had any answer on where Shinsou was though, other than it was the biggest fall out of all for them. But we won't talk about that until his health is better for such anxiety driven stories.

Mina came inside, setting the box in her arms next to his and dropping onto the couch next to him. She gave a stronger smile this time when turning to him, "Welcome to Casa Squad!" She held her arms out in her usual dramatic fashion. Kaminari let out a soft laugh. He loved that at least with all that's different Mina still was as theatrical as ever.

"Thanks," Kaminari smiled. "Sorry if I don't seem as excited as you. Just...really tired." He then snorted. "You know, despite my hundred year sleeping beauty curse. You'd think I'd be more rested."

Mina smiled kindly back, "Don't worry about it, Kams. You've been through a lot since you woke up. Whatever you need, we're here for you." She then rolled her eyes. "Well, at least I am right now while the other two bozos are at work."

Kaminari's eyes lit up, "oh! But that's alright! You guys are full-out awesome heroes, that's just so cool! I'm so freaking jealous!"

The pink girl laughed and noogied the blonde, "You'll get there soon dude."

Kaminari wiggles out of her grasp and gave his own dramatic sigh. "But you guys are so fucking cool and it's like you don't even know it! I mean, look!" Kaminari stumbled forward towards the boxes then realized his backpack wasn't there and scrambled to the kitchen countertop where it lay. He then flung himself on the back of the couch as the pinkette looked curiously at what he had.

It was a couple magazines that the blonde picked up on his way over. Each cover was of his friends in their hero costumes. "Alien Queen exclusive on Vogue magazine: Bringing Fashion and Heroism to a new level?! Red Riot: Hero of the Streets?! He saves citizens from reckless villains and hugely volunteers in building homes and giving a hand with the impoverished communities?! Tapeman Interview on the Tonight Show?! You guys are stars!" He threw up the magazines but all Mina could do was laugh at his antics. He couldn't help but smile at the sound. One of the many things he took for granted was the sound of his friends' laughter. How can you miss something so much without knowing it was gone for so long? He mentally took a recording of the sound to store away in a new vault in his head: the vault of keepsakes. Here he stored all the little things he felt he took for granted: his little sisters' obsession of following him around the house like ducklings, his mom's cooking, his dad's cheesy jokes, and his friends' laughs. He missed so much...

Mina smiled at the soft smile on Kaminari's face, seeing it as progress. "Oh!" she jumped and literally lung forward, digging through the pile of discs under the tv until she turned holding a specific red box.

Kaminari gasped, "Is that?"

"Duper Bario 6? Yup! I remembered you were really looking forward to the release and bragged all about how you were going to camp out to be one of the first to get the game." She handed the box to Kaminari, who was still gapping like a fish at the game which was a lot more beat up than expected. This fact alone excited him as he knew his friends only trash the greatest games they bought. "We also have a couple releases after that one up to 12. In my opinion though, 6 is the best. Sero really liked the water features on 8 though-"

"Water-features?!" Kaminari's golden eyes were large discs. "You must be kidding me!" Now he was knelt beside her, looking through their games.

She smirked, "So we could be responsible and put your shit away in your new room orrrrrrr?" She shared an evil grin with him. "Pizza and Games?"

"PIZZA AND GAMES!" he cheered and she laughed with him. It was exactly what he needed. Good ol video games and pizza, and none of this future shit. The future can't catch him now with Captain of Fun Ashido behind the wheel. Or so he thought.

Mina's phone suddenly started ringing, the caller ID read 'Bubba' with lots of heart emojis. She immediately grabbed and exclaimed. "Oh shit! That time already?" She bit her lip nervously at him, "Kami, are you okay if you get started without me? It's my boyfriend, he's on lunch, and we always have this tradition of calling each other on our breaks- I can tell him no though if you need me!"

Kaminari shook his head, "No problem, Mina. Go talk to your boo. I'll be here."

She smiled brighter than he'd ever seen, "Thanks sweetie, I'll be back as soon as possible." She then kissed him on the head and rushed to her room, Kaminari only catching and exclamation of "Bubba boo!" before hearing the click of her door.

So much for the future not catching him. He'd forgotten that this new Mina was still different from his old one. For one, she had a boyfriend. Sure, he and Mina used to date a lot of people back in high school, but it was just high school. The way her eyes lit and the pure joy she screamed when she spoke on the phone...yeah, this guy was legit. It took some staring at the console for a good 5 minutes to realize Kaminari had no idea how to use this console. It was much newer than what they used to have. Leaving him a sitting duck. So he decided to do what he does best. Investigate Burden himself with the past.

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