Chapter 4

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Kaminari slammed the beat up truck's door closed behind him and gave out a loud exhausted sigh as he sunk into his seat. Kirishima sitting in the driver's seat snickered at his theatrics. "I would ask if you had a good day at school but something tells me otherwise. Wonder what it is."

Kaminari rolled his eyes at him. Kirishima out of all of his friends looked the most different. One, he grew his hair out so instead of a bunch of short spikes, it was a full on flaming red mullet that yes, did make him look super cool in his hero costume. But there was also other details, like his bigger muscles, how he definitely got way taller, and his voice even sounded deeper. He was as manly as he always talked about being. At the moment he looked like he was ready to hit the beach or something with his red mane up in a ponytail, and how he was wearing shorts and a tank too with those infamous crocs he's obsessed with. Made Kaminari wonder how he would ever be able to make himself look so distinctly casual from his hero costume- another thing on his mind he needed to work on but right now his brain HURTS.

He grumpily rubbed at his temples. "It's the first day of this class and you think we would do something awesome like meeting other heroes, but NO! We sat through hours of lecture skimming through all the different careers in hero work!" Kaminari threw his hands up in the air. "Who the hell does that on the first day?! I would have been satisfied if we just stopped at the syllabus and headed out early, but my god my head is going to explode with information!"

Kirishima chuckled at these antics. "Oh c'mon, can't be too bad. Afterall, you still got to learn about all the cool jobs out there for you. Not one seemed interesting to you?"

At this Kaminari pouted and grumbled, "Well, I mean yeah, there's a couple that I definitely want to get shadowing on." Kaminari let out another sigh, this one much more relaxed and calm than his first one. "You're right, it at least didn't bore me completely to death. Just..."

This time Kaminari let the silence fall between them. Kirishima was distracted looking both ways at a street corner before making his turn. At that he expressed his frown. "Just?"

"It's well," Kaminari let out another frustrated sigh. "I don't know!"

Kirishima slowed at a stoplight and turned towards Kaminari so he could catch his eyes. Even his eyes seem older. He looked tired but more like the worn out kind. Like the older he got, the more it took out of him. Will that happen to Kaminari? Before he could spiral into that thought, he's snapped back by Kirishima calling him, "Kaminari? Dude, are you doing ok?"

"Yeah," Kaminari responded but immediately regretted as Kirishima lowered his gaze at him.

"Bro, you don't have to lie. You don't even have to be ok right now. You're going through a lot, but you don't have to struggle through it," he smiled his toothy grin. "That's what you got your best friends here for. To throw your problems at. Bet I can take it without crying like Sero."

Kaminari couldn't help but laugh. Sero has definitely cried a lot since Kaminari came back to them and he didn't blame the guy. Sero and him had been so close back then. Anytime one of them would reminisce about something, it got Sero welled up in tears remembering how much he lost with Kaminari. Of course, Kaminari would follow suit crying back and the two would hold each other crying until Mina or Kirishima calmed them down. Either way Kirishima was right again. He loved his friends and how they have stood by him so strong. He just wish he didn't burden them so much-

"Hey, you look sad. Don't be sad" he poked at Kaminari, nearly hitting his eye before reaching his cheek. "Turn those cheeks the other way buster, and tell Uncle Kiri what's wrong."

Kaminari swat at his hand, but sighed. "Well, it's just so much to get used to now. Everyone is so grown up, and I know I'm older too but it sure doesn't feel that way." He rubbed at the back of his neck, "and well, I been reading the old class-A chat."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2021 ⏰

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