Day 1:Meeting the Pines Family

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Cressy Corduroy's POV

I am Cressanthy Corduroy,Wendy Corduroy's cousin.
I'm 12 years old,yet people say I look like Wendy in a shorter version and light blonde hair.I'm with Mabel at the back and she is eating tacos,I love tacos but I'm the shy type,that is how I differentiate myself with Wendy,I have the same hair as Wendy,and the same face,with a bit more freckles,but I blush a lot when someone talks to me,I even feel like it is a common disorder,but it isnt,Im just shy.I swear.

And,I am more of a rule breaker,actually just like Wendy's father,He is quite noisy and is carefree,I am the opposite,I care a lot,get worried easily,I am quiet,I am 'blonde',I do tricks but without using an axe,I am girly,but not very girly like...Pacifica Northwest,Ick! She is mean but I guess its because of her parents.

I like to wear sweatpants most of the time,but today I am wearing a white shorts and a shirt which was quite big.In fact,it was Wendy's shirt when she was 12,Guess she was a bit taller than me.After all,I am an inch shorter than Mabel,She said she has a twin but he is off doing his crazy wack-a-doodle things in the forest.As we reached the shack,I jumped off the car,of course opening the car door first.

My sneakers hit the dirty dirt path road as I walked into the shack.My beanie almost fell from me looking up and down the shack,I caught it right before it was going to fall down the box of dirty tools "Oops,Be careful,Lil' Miss,"Someone said beside me as he packed his tool box.I looked back at him "Woah there,You look like Wendy,Just blonde,"He said his eyes widening a bit "Are you a clone of Wendy,I won't tell anyone,"I laughed a bit at his statement as the door bell rang,I kept laughing,It was actually a funny thing to think about clones.

"I'm her cousin,"I smiled as I felt a stare coming from a distance from the back,I looked back and saw the look alike of Mabel,He blushed holding a book as he looked away and looked to Wendy,He walked to the counter but suddenly a hand pulled me "Hello there little miss,I am Stanford Pines.But please,Call me Grunkle Stan if you'd like...even if like,you aren't my relative or a granddaughter of anything."He said as I nodded "So you have any money in your wallet,I have to get some money y'know for some profit,"He shrugged "You could get anything you would like in the house if you like,since you might have no money,you are a kid after all."He said

"Well here,My dad said to give some to you actually,since you made me stay here with you and your grand kids."I smiled and gave him 5 bucks,I looked through the shack and saw a hat with a pine tree but suddenly I felt like eavesdropping.

"Look Dipper,You're 12 and You are cute but y'know,I'm a bit 'too old' for Ya kid,"Wendy said as Dipper stuttered out the words "S-So F-Friends?"As Wendy nodded he smiled a sad smile.I looked away as I found a grappling hook,I took it and looked at it but I accidentally pulled the trigger and it shot out to stomach of Grunkle Stan,He fell on the floor saying 'Oof!' I ran to him and sat down on his side laughing a bit at his face "S-Sorry!I accidentally pulled the trigger!"I said laughing a bit "Yeah,Yeah,Kid you are lucky for giving me 5 bucks.Ugh!Ice I need Ice!"I nodded and walked to the kitchen and looked around for the freezer,I found it and opened it.Great.No Ice.I walked to Grunkle Stan who wasn't there anymore.I looked around seeing a jar of eyeballs "Ew...But cool."I said and looked at it "Uh...Hey"Someone said from behind,I jumped and looked back "S-Sorry,I-I just thought you were very..."

"Prrttnyy."He mumbled,I didn't hear it but that's what I heard "Uhm,What?"I asked as he just shook his head "Nothing,Nothing.I said nothing."Dipper said and blushed,I nodded and looked away "So...I was wondering if we could y'know...hang out and stuff,It's just a hang out not a date or anything,"He said his cheeks plundering with red,I blushed,The nervous type,remember?I'm shy and I don't 'like like' him.I just met him after all.

"Uhm,Yeah sure..."I said and smiled,I walked up the stairs as he followed behind me,We walked into Mabel and his room,We saw Mabel singing to Don't Stop Unbelieving with Wendy sitting on Mabel's Bed.

"Oh hey little cous'"She smiled at me and patted my head,She left the room with a sad smile giving to Dipper.

"I kinda uh..heard you guys awhile ago,"I said and he just smiled "It's okay,I guess I've done it more,"he chuckled.

"You could sleep over there"He said pointing to the side of the room which was newly made,I forgot the luggage at the car,I shrugged and went to my side of the room.

It was almost midnight,and I still can't sleep,I walked through the room,or what you call 'attic' as I looked out the triangular window,I saw Wendy with Robbie,looks like they are having a fight,I looked at the window,It looks like it has an eye.Suddenly a hand covered my mouth as my muffled screams lowered down at someone's voice "Shh...You can't just look out the window and stare at Wendy,that's my job,"Dipper said,I looked at him as he let me go "S-Sorry,I just get so caught up with Wendy,I guess it looks like I am a complete physco am I? A crazy love guy who fell in love with someone who can't even reach the top of their head."He sighed as he sat down on the wooden floor

"It's okay,"I said and smiled "You could grow someday y'know,"I shrugged he thanked me but shook his head "I kind of thought you were krrewwtnn"I didn't hear what he said because of the muffled mumbling "What?" I asked as he shook his head again "N-Nothing."He said with a nervous laugh.Okaaayyyy....

"Well..Go to sleep,It's kinda creepy to stay up all night,"He said and he went back to his bed as I went to mine,I covered myself with the blanket.


Next Day,I woke up to the smell of pancakes and bacon and eggs.I walked down to the smell in the kitchen and it smelled wonderful.I got to the table seeing the twins as I waved "Heeeeeeyyyy uhm....what's your name again?"Mabel asked as I got up the chair "Uhm,My name is Cressanthy Corduroy but you could call me Cress or Cressy."I smiled as she got my hand and waved it "I guess you know my name already but this is my brother Dipper Pines,"She smiled "Uhm,Yeah I know his name already,"I smiled as Dipper blushed a bit,Mabel looked at him and said "Huuuuuggghhh!You like Cress!"She exclaimed as he shook his head aggressively "N-No I don't! I like her as a friend,"He said as he pulled Mabel off her seat and walked behind the counter.

Dipper's POV

"Mabel,Stop embarrasing me."I said.Ugh,my sister keeps on embarrasing me,especially just because I kind of 'not' like Wendy anymore.

"So you do like her?"She whispered and gasped "What?No!I don't!"I said as I sighed "Alright,well maybe a little,but that doesn't change my feelings for Wendy,"I said as she just nodded and smiled as if she has a plan "I have a plan,"She said.Likewise.

"Dipper,Wendy doesn't like you, you should move on and go to Cress,She looks beautiful,She is kind and doesn't look like a 'rule breaker' like Wendy,actually she looks better."She said as I shook my head "But,I just met her,what if she's a vicious monster of some sort?"I asked "That's why we should go on mysteries with her!"She shouted and made Cress look at us "Uhm,are you guys okay?"She asked

I sighed at her voice,it's so cuuu-wait wait,get this out of my head!Ugh!

"Me and Dipper want you to come on mysteries!"Mabel said,Typical Mabel.

"Yeah sure."Yesssss she agreed to it,I smiled.I got my book and looked for the greatest mystery ever!

Cress's POV

"Okay,how about some-"He stopped mid-sentence when a loud knock on the door occurred through the shack,A small boy's voice was heard,

"I know y'all are in there,so come out so I could get this shack!"He shouted with a sort of western accent,I opened the door but right after I opened it,A flash of white hair stood before me.Okay, is going to talk to me?I looked down seeing a face,okay maybe I was just dumb enough to think hair was talking.

"Oh why hello there,"He said as he leaned to the side of the door "You must be Wendy's sister,"He said smiling like a cheetah.I know he's flirting with me,and I just met him,and he is like waaaaay shorter than me.And,like,the only thing making him tall is 'the hair'.

"You look pretty cute,you should be my queen!"He exclaimed but then someone pulled me from behind and pulled me back as he went infront of me "Stop flirting with everyone you meet Gideon!"He shouted and closed the door.

"Thanks,Dipper."I smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2015 ⏰

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