Part 1

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"It is against my nature that I talk as much as I do," Fenrys drawls, falling back against the couch.

"Is it?" I say, not bothering to look up from my book. I've been listening to him ramble on and on for the past hour, everyone else leaving to escape from the blabber, and I find his statement exceedingly hard to believe.

"Yes! I am mysterious. Brooding. Unfathomable! In the deepest recesses of my mind, there is but silence!" he exclaims. "I am an angsty, mysterious male."

"Are you truly hearing yourself?" I sigh. As he opens his mouth to reply, I cut him off. "Your nature is literally talking, Fenrys. Talking is the only thing you're actually good at."

He puts a hand over his heart and gasps. "How dare you say that of me! I shall have you know, I am good at many things. Like, many many things," he says, progressing from a horrible Adarlanian (British) accent to his normal voice.

I raise my eyebrows as high as they can go. "Of course. Name one. A single thing you're good at besides talking."

Fenrys pauses for a second, thinking. Then his face lights up. "I'm super great at making people fall in love with me! There!"

I roll my eyes. "You're single."

"Just because I'm good at making people fall in love with me doesn't mean that I'm good at falling in love with people."

I just sigh and go back to reading my book. I think about mentioning for a second that I have never met a person that has fallen in love with him, but I decide that his ego has been wounded enough today.

"Doorrrriiiaaannnn. I'm boooorrreedddd! Let's dooooo something!" Fenrys whines.

I sigh again. I've been doing a lot of that lately. "What are we supposed to do? Play Monopoly?"

"We could... um..."

"'We could' what?"

"Ummm... errrr..." He pauses, searching his mind for anything. "We could find people to fall in love with me!" he finally suggests, wiggling his eyebrows. It causes his scar to wiggle too, which is kinda funny, but I catch myself from staring too long.

"I thought you already had hordes of people in love with you."

"Yeah, but I... ran out. So we need to find new ones."

"Where are we going to find new ones, Fenrys? At the 'People Store'?"

"Well, you're a person. I could make you fall in love with me!" Fenrys says in a weird tone, winking.

Once upon a time, I would have taken him up on his offer. But after Sorscha and Manon? I've decided that being single is way easier and less heartbreaking. I scrunch up my face. "No. Absolutely not. Go find yourself a 'People Store' and stay away from me."

"Finneeeee," Fenrys groans. "But one day, you'll regret rejecting the hottest guy in the universe."

...Then he starts flexing his muscles and making kissy faces.

Just as I'm about to go back to reading the Very Good book that I need to finish before Aelin does, he speaks again. "How 'bout... we go get boba tea?" He grins, knowing he's chosen the one thing I'll never say no to. (also the only thing I'll never say no to)

Despite knowing I'm falling for his trap, I stand up, place a bookmark where I stopped, and drag him upright. "What are we waiting for? Let's go!"


So... what do you think so far? It's kinda filler but this is a short fic and I love bantery (that isn't a word) scenes like this.

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